Nov. IE, 1916* lit’. VcibruT fill, ns, 'rosi; eut, 01 cl c: . •. v. .1 Sh 1 r a :i. 1 .. i, s en. , Mobile, .Nia. fiy lie a. ,.'i .1--us:~ i have road ith interest Lire, hiilips* letter r;ith enclosures, v.'hieh I return, and r-.iso yonr reply to .rs. •' ill pa for certain portionc of which 1 ihanfc ;,ou. The 01? :ter of Ooiamcroe received an- invitation from the Highway Industries Association to attend the meeting in December, and i advised John uraft, Chairman 03. the chamber of Coiisuerce hood iioaua committee, evepress-in; the hone that he conic', attend. jx& Oupt. Or aft in Vice—.>.• resident for Aj-aeoma of the Old Spanish frail -asuciation, .1 suggest tin t it is efuite possible that he would attend, reprenontiv^; the fid anoiiish frail, as ' ell an the tlohilo ^.aainher of- ..oiiuacrce. I am therefore taking the iihert.. of sending a oo.,y of this letter to Capt, Or;.it. Our friend . rs. thill.Lps is certainly one of the most ardent boosters for goo;; roads and for Florida the.fc I have ever had the pie; of knowing, and now fch t the vac j.a over and conditions may be c.-:, acted grauufcu.iy to return, if not to normal, at least to somethine oi stability, I hope tuat we can aeain get busy on the Old Spanish Trail. Yours very sincerely. Director, Olu Spanish Trail Association. WMC/JF