JOHN L.CARTER ASOI3TANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Wm.T. hammock ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL J.S.UTLEY ATTORNEY GENERAL. State of Arkansas DARDEN MOOSE ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL. Office of Attorney General Little Rock O. 3.ABERCROMBIE ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL April 2, 1924- Llrs. J. 2. Bmith, Chairman Comm. 021 Advertising, ■department of Beautification S an Ant 0 nio, Texas. iy dear Ivlrs. Ami thr- ill reply to your inquiry of the 25th, beg to advise that the only law we have governing billboards anc advertising along the highways is embraced in the Harrolson Road Bill, passed at a recent special session of the Legislature, in which the Highway Commission is given authority to make rules and regulations with reference to traffic and obstruction of reads, and the Commission has made a rule forbidding the placing of signs on the roads and highway in a manner that would obstruct the view. Yours very truly J. S. UI'LEY Attorney General 1 / T-