Member Chamber or Commerce of the United States of America Member Mississirn Valley Association WHERE FAMOUS HIGHWAYS MEET Dixie Highway—Oi.d Spanish Trail TALLAHASSEE Capital of Florida. On the Dixie Highway and the old Spanish Trail. Most beautiful inland city in the State—clean, progressive and moral. Commlssion-M a n a g o r form of government. The Municipality owns the Fleet ric Light, Power, Water and Gas Plants. Abundant supply of p u r e water. Mild winters; heat of summer tempered by breezes from the Gulf and frequent showers. Nights generally cool. Average annual temperature, CG.8. Reasonable rents. Strong banks and up-to-dato mercantile establishments. Telephone and Telegraph connections. Splendid educational facilities—Florida State College for Women, line Grammar a n d High Schools, Private Schools. Churches of leading denominations. Creamery, Grain Elevator, Feed Mill and Cash Market for Produce and Livestock, Curb Market. Excellent hunting, fishing and bathing nearby. Golf course most picturesque In the South. INVITATION Come to “The Hill City of Florida" — You will be charmed with the scenery and climate. LEON COUNTY Most beautiful county In Florida; finest section for dairy farms and livestock, general agriculture, peaches, pecans, figs, tobacco, Satsuma oranges. All-year growing season. Forty acres is a large enough farm with intelligent cultivation. Land steadily advancing In price. Unexcelled for b t o c k and diversified crops. Most desirable part of Florida In which to establish a home. Cailafiasssee Cfmmfcet of Commerce TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA September 26,19?,2. iiiy dear Mr. Ayres'- I enclose a letter and my reo1y to same, hich please return to me. I enclosed to Mrs.Pruitt one of your booklets on the 1'r ail (with color cover) and hope she will change her mind about boosting the "Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway". The United States must remain loyal and support the Old Spanish Traill Do get her converted to the Trail,and if Tyler is not too far from your city, can you not run out there and line up the lady(?) and the oeople in favor of the Trail? '.fa never I have the chance, I will "swat" these people. Am glad that you got Men Goodson set straight abjjgut highway matters in this section. Good work I I have been ill. for- some days, —up a few days and down again, but will soon take up what you suggested and try to get some of the Forth .Florida newspapers to print what I will send re. the Trail, I wish you could send something to the Havana,Florida olub,--to President F.P.Haviland(not to Secretary Tillis), and get them to call a mgoting and put new life into their club. President aviland was here,a few days ago, and stated that L’r.Til 1 is had been too busy to call any meetings and interest is lagging. Do not mention that J. have suggested this,please; but you might fix up some kind of a "reviver"(?). If you can keen Havana going, it will help. I '-.'ill do what I can,too. With best wishes, I am, V e r y tr u 1 y y o ur s, .-7 •> -; sf . 7. NO TOUR OF FLORIDA IS COMPLETE UNLESS YOU SEE THE CAPITAL CITY