From Son Diego From St. Augustim 1533.9............... SCHERTZ, TEXAS ------------------------1283.1 18.2 mi. Asphalt and Gravel. Pop. 3115. Elevation 718 ft. Country hotel, meals. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Schcrtz OST Service Sta. Ladies* rest room, ice water. Ebert Bros. Gulf Filling Sta. Opp. depot. Refreshments. Kirby, 9.6 mi. west of Schcrtz Kirby Garage. Oil, gas and good service. Frank Janke. 1515.7_______________SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS---------.—1301.3 Zero at OST Zero Milestone, City Hall Plaza. 31.2 mi. Asphalt Pnving. Pop. 161,379. Elevation 716 ft. Tourist Camps-—(1) Brackenridge Park, on San Antonio River, all conveniences ; one of the most beautiful parks in the United States. (2) Covington Park, on Salado River. Pecan grove, all conveniences; outside city limits, on Gonzales road. , . San Antonio is the ancient Spanish capital: it is the tourist center of the Southwest and the Metropolis of Texas. Its old missions; its relics of Spanish days; its location among the foothills, canyons and great ranches of the Southwest; its dry, all-year sunshine; ;ts extensive mileage of automobile drives, distinguish it among the great cities of the South. It is the geographical center of the Old Spanish Trail. In ancient time it wa3 the heart center of Spanish effort. This county (Bexar) is the second in the U. S. in paved roads, of which 300 mi. are limestone rock asphalt, with hundreds of miles of gravel and paving built or building into the hills beyond. Don’t hurry— plenty of time to see and enjoy. HOTELS The Gunter. ' Social and commercial center. 350 rooms with bath. The Monger. Rich in old historical associations. 200 rooms. Baker Hotels. The Texas at Ft. Worth; Stephen F. Austin at Austin ; the Gunter and Monger at San Antonio. The Robert E. Lee. San Antonio’s newest. 200 rooms with bath, $2.50 down. Percy Tyrrell. St. Anthony Hotel. San Antonio's leading hotel. •150 rooms. Travelers. Seven stories of solid comfort. C. N. Wuest, Mgr. Lanier. New, fireproof. 300 rooms. Without bath 81.50 and $2.00. With bath $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Joe Lanier Nix. Mgr. Crockett. New, firepro'of. 133 rooms; 122 with private bath. Just back of the Alamo. Free parking space. L. B. Stoner, Mgr. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Old Spanish Trail National Headq. Gunter Hotel. San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Highway Dept. San Antonio Auto League. A.A.A. Service and Garage. Jamison Auto Supplies, Service and Drive-in Sta. 311 Broadway. Nice personal attention. W. E. Lowry Drive-in Sta. Kelly-Spring field tires. All supplies. Romnna Plaza, at Dallas st. A. C. Toudouze. Filling sta., accessories, genl. mdse. 3903 S. Flores st. C. M. Swift. Camp outfits, tents, supplies. 218-20 S. Flores st. THRU THE HILLS The Old Spanish Trail westward from San Antonio cuts directly thru the interesting hill country to El Paso, leaving the railroad and the monotony of driving hour after hour beside a railroad track. The mileage is shortened and the traveler enjoys an inviting country. The railroad engineers sought the levels and the less expensive construction west from San Antonio. The OST runs thru the center of the spring-water country. The springs and rivers are described on page •10. Fourteen clear-waler rivers are in West Texas. Bexar, Kendall, Kerr and Kimble counties have a thousand miles of spring-fed rivers and creeks. Good drinking water prevails. Hotels serve generous country meals. Vacation and auto camps are developing. The high elevations and dry sunshine temper the climate. The rugged hills and mountains provide constantly changing scenes. The OST towns have fireproof garages. The people are hospitable and make the traveler feel welcome. From San Diego From St. Augustin? 1484.5................. BOERNE, TEXAS..................1332.5 17.6 mi? Gravel and Caliche. Pop. 1153. Elevation 1405 ft. 1466.9____COMFORT, TEX. (Guadalupe River)-----------------1350.1 9.9 mi. Gravel and Dirt. Pop. 713. Elevation 1429 ft. Tourist Camp-On Guadalupe River, east end. Country hotels, good meals. OST Councilor, Wm. Wicdenfeld. Comfort is the Gateway to the Guadalupe Hills. The drive is now through green valleys and along dear-water streams, with a new picture at every turn of the road. Back in the hills are sheep and goat ranches. The Guadalupe River and the Cypress Creek join at Comfort. The Old Spanish Trail now follows the Guadalupe on up to Ingram, then up the Johnston fork to Mountain Home. Beyond Mountain Home the divide is crossed, then come the tree-lined waters and valleys of the approach to Junction. This is the Hill Country of Texas, spring-water rivers, dry, breeze-laden air. and interesting drives. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Comfort Auto Co. Lincoln-Ford-Fordson garage. Ph.98. Holecnmp Motor Co. Garage. Dan Ilolecnmp Sz Sons. OST Filling Station. Cafe, confectionery. Ladies’ rest oom. Robt. Stahmnnn, proprietor. 1457.0.-CENTER POINT, TEX. (Guadalupe R.)„1360.0 11.1 mi. (5 mi. Graded Dirt and Gravel; 6 mi. Asphalt.) Pop. 613. Elevation 1573 ft. Tourist Camp—Nice camping places under the trees along the river—inquire Center Point Mercantile Co. Several country hotels, good meals, OST Councilor. F. C. Nelson. Center Point sits on a bluff overlooking the Guadalupe river. Old Camp Verde lies westward toward the Bnn-dera Pass, a noted frontier military post. Grain, cotton and general farming; cattle, goat and sheep ranches. INFORMATION AND SERVICE OST Ford Garage. Center of town. Complete service. 1445.9_____KERRVILLE, TEX. (Guadalupe River)______________1371.1 7.4 mi. Gravel. Pop. 4400. Elevation 1645 ft. Tourist Camp—West end in a grove on the Guadalupe River. Elec, lights, shelter house, flush closets, city water, showers, custodian. Good hotels and boarding houses. OST Councilors. Ally Beitel, Hal Peterson. Kerrville is the largest primary wool and mohair market in Texas and the resort center of the Hill Country. Its population has grown from 2353 in 1920 to 4400 in 1925. Institutions of stale and national importance are centering around Kerrville—the American Legion Hospital, 3 mi. east on OST, cost $2,000,000, now conducted by the U. S. Government; the Westminster Encampment one mile cast on OST, state camp of the Presbyterians but for all denominations, with furnished cottages, tents, dining hall, meetings, sports; 1.5 east on OST the Schreiner Institute, a military school of junior college work with new half million dollar plant endowed by Charles Schreiner; 2.6 mi. west on OST the Methodist Encampment high in the hills; west 17.4 mi. site of state fish hatchery on the Guadalupe planned to be one of the greatest hatcheries in the United States, made possible by the generous cooperation of Kerrville, Junction and the State of Texas. Along the river are resort camps with cabins and one athletic and two character camps for bovs. Kerrville has paved streets, modern stores. $42,000 golf course, bathing, boating, fishing and the varied amusements of a healthy outdoor people. The Guadalupe River and branches arc clear-waler mountain streams fed from numerous springs and shaded with large timber. The drives among the hills and the rivers are cool and delightful. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Kerrville Chamber of Commerce. Tourist Bureau. Lee Mason & Son. Ford sales and service. West ond. Filling Sin., rest rooms, ice water, air scales park drive service. Weston’s Garage and Drive-in Sta. Opp. St. Charles Hotel. Modern, fireproof, well equipped. Ladies’ rest room, ice water. —28— From San Diego ,'">m Sl- A“S««tin, 1lt,on INGRAM, TEX. (Guadalupe River)-------------------13735 140O.U 11-8 mI. Gravel. Pnn 10-1 Elevation 1800 It. Country hotel. From Ingram the OST follows up the Johnston fork of the Guadalupe. Wild country west along the river. 1426.7-MOUNTAIN HOME, TEX. (Guadalupe R.).1390.3 38.0 mi. Gravel to Junction. ' Pod 47. Elevation 2100 ft. Tourist Camp—Mountain sDrinc camp in pecan and oak grove on bluff by the river spring water, electric lights, toilets and other conveniences. OST Councilor, Mrs. N. B. Estes. Mountain Home westward the drive is up over the divide West of the divide the Johnston fork of the Linn*:* River is crossed six times. Groves of great trees shade the clear, living waters. The drive is rich in ramping and scenic attractions. Sheep and goat ranches. Gas and oil 7 mi. W. and at Segovia 26 mi. W. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Estes Store. General supplies. Garage and expert mechanic. Gas, oil. groceries. N. B. Estes. 1388.7_____JUNCTION, TEXAS (Llano River)----------------1428.3 20.2 mi. (12 mi. Gravel; 8 mi. Graded Dirt and Gravel Trails thru the River Basin.) Pop. 1269. Elevation 1708 ft. Tourist Camp—In pecan grove on the Llano River, maintained by the community. Numerous conveniences. Fritz Hotel. OST Vice President. C. R. Stevenson : Councilor, Emil A. Loeffler. Junction lies high in the hills and is a center of the spring-water rivers. Its name, junction of the North and South Llano rivers. The OST follows the North Llano westward for 28 mi., the clear waters, rock formations, and virgin groves a constant pleasure. Old Ft. Terret ranch is by the headwaters springs that feed this river. Southward 20 mi lie the Seven-Hundred Springs, near the headwaters of the South Llano River. Further are the Frio Canyons, and the Rock Springs country. Camping and fishing spots numerous. Junction and Kerrville are providing a fish hatchery. Shade is abundant : the mountain formations are wild and rugged. Southwest Texas is underlaid with water. _ Thru the ages nature has been working her wonders in this rock and hill country. There are 600 mi. of spring-fed streams in the county. Up the South Llano River 9 mi. is the V-TI Ranch Camp, the best camp for family or tourist in Texas Westward are the great plains, plateaus and mountains of Texas with sheep, goats and cattle to the Pecos River, and cattle beyond. Northward, at Menard, are the ruins of old Spanish mission works dating from 1757 and there also the legends of Coronado’s search for the Mountains of Silver, and of the later period of the Lost Mine. Don’t hurry—many camping places. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Junction Hardware Co. Supplies. Road information. Loeffler Motor Co. Garage and Drive-in Sta. Modern, fireproof, well equipped. Rest rooms. Fritz Hotel. Best meals in West Texas. Home attentions. Joe Fritz, proprietor. 1368.5...ROOSEVELT, TEXAS (Llano River)---1448'3 •M.9 mi. ^ (8 mi. Gravel Trails thru River Ilasin; 3i mi. Natural Gravel and Graded Dirt.) I'op. G2. Elevation 2000 ft. Tourist Camp—1Camp Wagner; camp cabins for rent, running water, ewe nents, stoves. Fishing, bathing, boating at rivor. ‘■fee campsites. Rooming house, meals. OST Conn-mlor, lien F. Simon Roosevelt is on the North Llano River, the OST Wl»»-■ng the gravel basin, with numerous fords and rare Pjc-X03 i spring-water country. Good fishing. Goat sheep ranches. New road to Sonora under construction mong scenic ridges. the river are Camp Allison in a pocan e» Ft. Terret springs and many camping spots. INFORMATION AND SERVICE cuh£n°ra.1 store; fi^ing and camp supplies. CamP l0"t!h tots, blankets for rent. Well couipiud Kurage. Den F. Simon. kruV'nnrit<,r<,lni'r "'csU'rn rivers change to low or ■» ant ? K°, ncross steadily. The bar or shallow »31* p* to form a little below the direct line oero» From San Diego From St. Auguatlnc 1323.6_______________________SONORA, TEXAS..............1493.4 38.1 mi. Gravel, some Graded Dirt. Pop. 1009. Elevation 2140 ft. Tourist Camp—East end. shelter house, city water. Hotel McDonald. OST Councilors, W. L. Aldwell and Joe Trainer. This i? still the sheep and goat country, and a country of bum-per gates, for sheep and goals easily clamber over cattle guards. Come to a full stop at these gates, change to low gear and push thru quickly. The gate will open easily and close after you. West Texas is a country of great distances and big ranches. The people are still pioneers. Supplies arc carted 70 to 100 mi. from railroads. The towns are enterprising, schools are good, the country interesting, the drinking water is good, the climate dry and invigorating. These West Texas towns are essentially the whole county; outlying are the great ranches. This county with 1598 pop. is undertaking to build nearly 100 mi. of federal standard highway. The road north and south is completed. The OST Sonora eastward is under construction along a scenic ridge. The men who conquered thg west are conquering new difficulties. Slops and better acquaintance with the people of West Texas are worth while. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Sonora Motor Co. 1-1,500 ft. fioor space. Ladies' rest room. Day and night service. S. R. Hull. City Garage. Day and night service. Good mechanics. Free ice water. C. S. Keene. Pierce’s Cafe. Good food, fountain, candies, tobacco, newspapers. Vander Stucken-Trainer Co. General store. All supplies. Dew Drop Inn. Tourists’ rest room. Cold drinks, cigars, candy, sandwiches. Hotel McDonald. 14 rooms. $3.25 up with meals and bath. Modern conveniences. Mrs. Josie McDonald. Ph. 9. 1285.5________________________OZONA, TEXAS--------------1531.5 •1-1.6 mi. Gravel, some Graded Dirt. Pop. 1000. Elevation 2250 ft. Tourist Camp—Large shelter house, screened dining room, tables, benches, ^ shower baths, toilets, electric lights, wood. Ozono Hotel. if? OST Councilors, Joe North and Joe Oberkampf. Great sheep, goat and cattle country; high ^rock-bound hills and plateaus. Bumper gates, for sheep and 'goats get over all kinds of obstacles. Come to a stop against the gate then go thru quickly in low gear. . Oil wells north and west. Live Oak Hill with n> alpine road 28 mi. west; Live Oak Creek, good water. 34.7 mi. west. Ruins of old Camp Lancaster visible to the south from the OST along Live Oak Creak: entrance at gate just east of Live Oak Creek crossing. Ozona is another mid-west community with schools and civic improvements developing nicely and a country to interest the traveler. Stock up with supplies and the good drinking wa e . INFORMATION AND SERVICE Ozona Garage. North side of Park. SOOO-ft. floor apace. Ladies’ rest room. Tourist camp. , Ozona Meat Market. Finest barbecue meats. L>a> anu night service. R. J. Cooke. Ozona Hotel. W. B. Grannis. . . Dudley Garage. Largest between San ^nt0" M,,r El Paso. Rest rooms. Fireproof. W. J. Grimm , 1240.9_______SHEFFIELD, TEXAS (Pecos River)-----------------1570 1 73.0 mi. Gravel, some Graded Dirt. Pop. 100. Elevation 2229 ft. Tourist Canin -Go-1' camping places, good spring water. Coun . good meals. , -‘West Sheffield to Ft. Stockton the famed c0“n£> of the Pecos” is entered, a land strange ami „;onet.r and filled with history reaching back to Spanish. ^ and military days. Good spring water is a «h.r«eid; Creek which joins the Pecos River just belov ghef-on the creek is old Camp Lancaster. West t 0f field 49.5 mi. the Tunas Creek is crossea. • there about 6 ml. and off the highway ar Cnrings; Springs : near the creasing are the EacomMe St nm. mi. west ot the crossing are the Tunas Spr.n^, the headwaters that come from under t _ COndido and road. Salado means salty in Spams • ^ the means hidden; Tunas, the prjckly pear caciu.-. —30—