(Copy of letter filed with >ld Spanish ".'rail Association branding ns false the statements in the Bupont-Gill circular letter of A or II 29th, 1929 to the effect that V/est Te -«s was not eooperating with the >ld Spanish Trail Association. ) Juno t i on, Texas, May 14th, 1929. !Tr. Harral .ayros. Managing Mrector, •Old Spanish V'v.il Association, Son Antonio, Texas. Dear Mr. Ayroh: T have Just soon the siiauoographod st at ament issued by Messrs, JulIub Dupont end B. Gill of Louisiana, date April 29th, 1929j, which states there .is .much criticism of the lid Spnieh Trail Association and its director end that oracti-oolly all towns in Vest Texas have no faith whatever in the value of the association to the highway. I wish to state West Texas towns ere loyally interested in the >ld Spanish Trail raid are supporting its work. j»lso that wo never even have thought of withdrawing from the association, The statement specifically anyc "Junction, Texas, has withdrawn.” !,iy resident raid business are in Junction. Vo have always paid our quotas raid have never had any other thought. The nlnna of the West Texas Kill Country organisation us toeing formulated ail contemplate full cooperation with the Old Spanish Trail Association. The statement of Messrs. Dupont and Gill is wholly without foundation. Yours very truly. (Signed) Sail a. Loeffler, CHAIRMAN, OLD SPANISH TRAIL HILL DIVISION