MINUTES OF THE MEETING OP THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, OLD SPANISH TEA.IL ASSOCIATION, AT THE GUNTER HOTEL, PREDAY, November 24, 1922. The Executive Committee of the Old Spanish Trail Association met Friday, November 24, 1922 at the Gunter Hotel. The general good of the Association was discussed, and it was agreed that all employees should be checked up and dismissed on account of lack of funds with to pay them and not because of dissatisfaction of the work of said employees. The chairman of the Executive Committee was authorized to notify said employees that the Association should no longer retain them. This was upon the motion of Mr. Leon Walthall, which was seconded by Mr. C. N. Wuest. It was also decided that Mr. He-rbe-rt Ayers, Managing Director, should go East of the Sabine River to line up the work there, he being instructed to give weekly reports of his progress and collections, to the committee. It was further decided that the Executive Committee should take over the San Antonio Office, the bank accounts, etc., as per contract with Mr. Herbert Ayers and Dr. .Johnston, the President. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was declared adjourned, the next meeting to be held at the Gunter Hotel on Tuesday, November 28th, at four O'clock P. M. y A rl ChaimanAJSxocutive Commj ttee Secretary, Executive Committee Old Spanish Trail Association