TO THE COtfGKER ' CF THF TTHITrF FTITES OF A'F-FICA ■ASXIUG : ■ ]’; A^'PT 5i!K OP R fiJXdH Tt V: Y—THE oceai-to-ocbah.qtjij coast high -*.YtFrca fi-vii • r FT.QT IRA, TO TOS ARGl !UE8,< :IFORNJA,AS A RATIONAL MILITARY high ay,to rE-arfTF, ■ r «-m: r» f.ox aft . " I”! TRT- :• v ? TJJRFFOB ' IF-FT P'I1 JU.Ol ?Y C OSR- ! " HAY 10ABIT STHFAHSjTO USE PERBRAI C0HVIC9.....BOR AH OB? A IS THK QRF OF F^ATF COP'ICTF 10 •' !" C :?5 ?CI"' OF SIII III LTA1 Y ' ....r,J 3 THOSE ST I............. ■ -T" C.]T r :r HIGH ' Y "ASP'S. '-THEFFAF, A state of war now exists between this Government and a foreign nation; and "'FEREAS, Along the Southern Gulf Coast states there are very fev; forts or other protection ag inst invasion by a foreign army; and VHEFFA8, There is more sea coast unprotecte in at id section than ir. any other part of our country; end '■HER FAR, There are fev; railroad facilities in raid section suitable for the transportation of troops from one coast of the United States to the other, and the local dirt roads arc not passible by heavy,motor-driven trucks sufficiently large to carry heavy guns from one section to Another; nd THFFFAR, " e believe it to be one of the most important assets in time of warfare and one of the most lasting in time of roace,to have said military highway—co v. prepared ness measure—for int- rml ■protection of our benses against foreign invasion; BT IT RFSM.VFT fcV ' JFPhtdl AT '~rT. Tt VT Sj A'i.F Op F 'T7. .That the Congress of the United States be end hereby is memorialized to meke each appropriations and to puss such legislation as to empower