SPANISH - Minutes of Meeting of Advisory Beard of Old Spanish frail Room 113, C-unter Hotel, 4 o'clock p rn October 17,1033. In the absence of Chairman Gr&ebner, Mr. Harry Miller was nainihated and elected chairman pro tempore. Mr. Miller called the nesting to order with the following members present: Be ckman, Matthews, Furlong, Miller, Weimar, Walthall, Ayres, Co Ip, Dr. Johnston. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the report of the committee on audit and finance referred to therein was read. A discussion of the report followed. On suggestion of a member cf the committee. Dr. Johnston, Dr. Ayres and Mr. CoIp retired from the meeting. Xk A further discussion cf the report followed, after which Dr. Johnston, Mr. Ayres and Mr. Colp were asked to return to the m~sting. Mr. Matthews then stated: That it had been proposed a committee of five should be appointed to direct the affairs cf the Association and that the President of the Association and the Managing Director should agree to abide by the instructions of the committee until the differences existing a3 tc control of the affairs of the association could be properly settled through the action of the board cf directors and association it sex. Dr. Johnston and Mr. Ayres then stated that this plan would be acceptable to them. pr. Johnston moved: That a committee of five be appointed by the Chairman pro tern, to so direct the affairs of the association and that Mr. Beckman be requested to draft an agreement to be signed by himself and Mr. Ayres by which they would be bound to abide the instructions of the committee. The motion was seconded by r. Ayres and was adopted. The Chairman pro tem. appointed the following committee pursuant to the above action, Messrs. H II ’.Vue st, Furlong, Walthall,'atthews, Weimar. \\ . jiHlV /??'r By unanimous consent, the meeting adjourned. /;MVV :