For tho iJulietin: Mrs.. l.S.Phj....Lps, Tallabacs se,Fla.,Assistant Secretary of tho Old ; Spanish Trail Association for the last, reports as follows: "The Old Spanish Trail ■between Tall has see and the Gadsden County Line is in good condition, with the exception of come stretcher, where it nee-Is to be drag; • l. Tho Florida state Road Department is now arranging to . ive special attention to the t.rans-continental highways ntering Florida,and this will insure frequent patrolling and repairing of the Did Spanish Trail Highway. A gentleman who tours Worth Florida , from Jacksonville to Pensacola, has sent this report on the Trail from Pensacola to this city: ‘Pensacola to Milton very good via Mulat. Sic ferry at Mulat leaves over1/throe hours,btetwaen 6 A.K. and 6 it takes 35 minutes to cross Bbeambia hay* Milton to Crestview,very good; crestvi