STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS Nashville April 2* 1924 FILE General Mrs® J® T0 Smitho 114 Gunter Hotel* San Antonio* Texaso Dear Madam: I have your letter of March 25th addressed to the Attorney General of Tennessee which has been referred to me for reply© Chapter 77 of the Public Acts of 1921 require that no person shall erect a sign of any character upon the right-of-way of any street* road* or highway (outside the incorporated municipalities) within the State of Tennessee designated by the State Highway Department as a main travelled road and included in the general Highv/ay plan of the State* unless such person shall have first obtained written permission from the State Highway Department for the erection of such signs® The Department is adverse to the placing of any advertising signs on State Highways® cnb : s Yours very truly* First State Bass* Assistant Highway Engineer# 2