STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE TURTLE TORTUGAS TRADING DOST « CAFE ♦ LAS CRUCES, NEW MEXICO Short orders Regular meals Our Specialty....MEXICAN DISHES INDIAN CURIOS -- Time Changes a! New Mcxico-Texas State Line from Central to Monti tain and vice versa The first European visitor on record to the site of El Paso was Cabeza de Vaca, in 1536. Other pioneers stopped here from time to time, and in 1659 the first permanent settlement was made. It was won from Mexico in the Texas War of Liberation in 1S36. Before the Mexican War it tv as known as Ponce de Leon Ranch; afterwards, for a time, as Franklin. The name El Paso was adopted when the new town was plotted in 1858 perpetuating the Spanish phrase (El paso del norte) for the pass to the north formed here where the river breaks through the mountains. The city was incorporated in 1873, and in 1880 the population was 736. In 1881 four railroads rushed in their tracks in a race for the most favorable terminal site, and by 1890 the population was 10,338. El Paso and Juarez are both exceedingly interesting cities and in the architecture of public and private buildings, the early Spanish influence is apparent. The Mexican section is picturesque with gay shops and adobe houses, many of which are over 100 years old.