May 15, 1917 Mrs.F. Ft. S. Phillips, Old Spanish Trail Oenyeption Secy,, First Rational Bank Bldg,, Tal lahassee, Florida, Dear Madam: I telegraphed you by western Union Day jotter this morning as follows: "I really regret exceedingly professional engagements make impossible attend convention stop thought up to last minute could arrange but cant and immediately telegraph you stop wish again express my sincere admiration your pluck and energy and wish you all the more a successful convention since I cant be there to give what little aid I might," and I now confirm the same. It is with the most genuine regret that I am obliged to send this wire. I was in Washington City in a matter that could not be put off at the time of the Pensacola convent ion,and now unhappily I am tied up here so that I just cannot get away this week, I1' is certainly hard luck,as I had strongly desired to drive with ur.LeBlanc from here to Tallahassee so as to have first hand knowledge of the pleaaaitst road on the way and to have a couple of days^and I thought perhaps profitable days at the convention. However,it is not to be,and I will have to get on the best way I can without either the pleasure or the profit. One thing that I hate about it as much as anything, is that you should have this straw,small although it be,added to your other disappointments. However,! fool