#>, SAN MARCO MOTOR CO. 1 -fib Hupmoliile and j| j" |j DeSnto Six H. P. B08K0. Dealer Phone 123 233 San Marco Avenue Paris New York LILLIAN ALCAZAR HOTEL Dresses Sport Apparel Hats PILGRIM’S SHOE STORE ALL THAT’S BEST IN FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Kins’ Street Opposite Postofficc Careful Drivers Prompt Baggage Delivery Comfortable Cars For Hire For All Occasions By Hour, Day or Week ST. AUGUSTINE TRANSFER CO. YELLOW CAB SERVICE TRUCKS FOR ALL KINDS OF HAULING PHONE 39 After 11 P.M., Night Phone M PABLO CAFETERIA Nexl 10 Bus Station ! ACME MACHINE WORKS BEST EQUIPPED SHOP IN ST. AUGUSTINE No. 20 Loreida Street FORD’S Paint and Repair Siiop San Marco Avenue and Sanchez Street Phone 963 THE BOOTERY Exquisite Footwear King Street, Opposite Slave Market Phone 673 St. Augustine, Florida DAVIES BUICK COMPANY Sales Service Phone 212 W. M. HUTSON, JR. BICYCLES and SPORTING GOODS JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Phone 50S 28 St. George Street C. S. SMITH Ready-lo-Wear Hosiery and Notions JefTerson Theatre Building Phone 181 St. Augustine, Fla. AWNINGS for House, Store and Auto “Everything in Canvas” Winningham Awning and Shade Company •11 Spanish Street Phone 30 VERA BEAUTY SHOPPE Finger Waving, Hair Cutting, Etc. 3 Palm Row Telephone 1347 ftoRSES! HORSES! HORSES! AT Garnett Orange Grove VISITORS WELCOME Phone 1210-J FORT MOOSA GARDENS Florists North San Marco Avenue Phone 580 Eugene Permanent Waving LOTTIE’S BEAUTY PARLOR .■lo.l First National Bank Building Phone 1214 Marcclitig Par Excellence THE NEW LORILLARD HOTEL Located in the Heart of the City. Running Water in Every Room Steam Heat. Private Baths. Reasonable Rates 73 St. George Street St. Augustine, Florida 24 Ponce De Leon Celebration—Old Spanish Trail April 2, 4, 1929—St. Augustine. Florida First Dcty — Continued After this experiment has been performed the Queen has the Court Chamberlain announce her intention of retiring to the Spanish Rail at the Grand Palace, accompanied by her Court, and requesting all Royal subjects to remain seated until after the departure of the Royal party. Note: The artists contributing to the above entertainment, to whom the committee is deeply grateful: Jester’s Dance—Jack Dozier. Court Singer—Jesse Robertson. Royal Foot Guard—Boys from the D. and B. Institute. Massed Chorus—Ketterlinus High School Glee Club. Solo Dancer—Miss Bonita Richardson. The “Marble” Men—Nelson Woodruff, Tom Phillips, Jack Dozier. The carriages and horses are then brought forward and the Royal parade formed as follows: 1. Marshal. 2. University of Florida Rand. 3. Royal Foot Guard. 4. Heralds and Standard Rearers. 5. Ponce de Leon. 6. Coach of Queen, Grandees and carriages of Ladies in Waiting. 7. Cavalry escort. LINE OF MARCH West to Orange street; west on Orange street to Cordova street; south on Cordova street to Cathedral street; east on Cathedral street to Ray street; north on Ray street to Fort San Marco, or Grand Palace. 9:30 O’CLOCK P. M. On arrival of the Royal Parade at the Grand Palace, the Court, led by Her Majesty and Ponce de Leon, will enter the ball room from the central stairs for the grand march. Immediately following the Court, all persons present in costume will take place in the grand march. When opposite the Queen's throne. Her Majesty, accompanied by Ponce de Leon, will turn out of the grand march and review the parade of her subjects. On signal, all in costume will begin dancing, and for the first three numbers only those in costume will be permitted on the floor. Appropriate prizes have been arranged for those attending the Rail in costume. The judges will select the winners during the costume dancing, and the prizes will be presented by Ponce de Leon at the direction of the Queen. Following the three costume dances the floor will be open to all present. During the evening the Royal party will occupy the throne room when not participating in the dancing.