iBURY park evening press SBURY PARK SUNDAY PRESS J.Lyle Kin month HOWLAND & HOWLAND AsUBtlTRY PAKK AsihthyPaisk.X.J. Lay b,19o0 Ly Lear Larry: Congratulations upon your decoration by the King of opain and also congratulations for the splendid work v/iiicii brought it about. Harry Jordan uhov/ed 5ie a booklet telling of .our work, etc. I'd li .e to run a special article upon it and ask that you send me at least two booklets that I nay cut then up for copy. tne decoration. I also v/ouic! like t short biographical sketch o3 your life, both here and in Texas. Also give me a list of your relatives residing in this cicinity. Also please send « photograph of yourself and of