Qctobor IS, 1UIV liiTJo 7, • J* Phillips, fallahaasoo, 71a« Do; \r !rs« Phillips:, Your '.Lotter of the 11th inst, also copy of 1 rotor of same date to r® .s nor copy enclosed, Since the Chat-foor of Coivvi roo burn-d uy during the roc oat stbrn, it li s boon alio t i/i ossiblo to locate him on the *phone« I will lot a know what ho says, lottor to ; r, Smith atonic! brine' results. Yath'tho patrol system and persistent dragging, our ro da would not he had, provided "missing links" are fined, Uorth Carolina, oto. have atta'n-d reputation for fine roads by merely pa. trolling • .nd per si stoutly dragging roads worse than the worst 3 irt of Old Spanish frail. Old Spanish frail Convention, 1 don't fcno' wh t will he done about, I think ddrbaps for the duration-of the war, it : dr ht bo advisable to lot things slow up? Yours truly. HALoB/.' :S