TRAVEI, INFORMATION ORANGE OST Officials—-W. E. Lea, Vico Pres. F. P. Dearborn. Councilor. Pop. 9212 Elevation 10 ft. Three bank?. Tourist Camp—Tables, benches, ovens, toilets, shower baths, running water. Products—Rice, truck, cattle, oil. Industry—Saw mills, box factory, paper mill, railroad equipment construction plant, ship yards, rice milling, etc. Deep sea port. SABINE BATTERY CO st.nd.r.1 ignition The 103 Seventh St home »f *crvior. rh-m, 216 GOMEZ CAFE All night tmitp. Your comfort. Fifth and Main Sts W. B. ROAN AUTO CO 11,e.-„. Rco speed wagons Division and Sixth Sts 24-hour sen ice. Phone 166 BEAUMONT OST Officials—J. D. Roberts. Councilor. Pop. 40,422 Elevation 22 ft. Six banks. Tourist Camp—At Fair Grounds. Well equipped. Products—Rice, cattle, dairying, lumber. Deep sea port. Largest oil refinery in tho U. S. Famous old Spindle Top oil field—first gusher field in the U. S. LINN BROS MOTOR CO Chevrolet distributors for East Tex-1002 Pearl St *•■ >«“■•*«“ «"d ■*•»■<'• *'*>''>'>• HOTEL BEAUMONT Beaumont's new million dollar V. G. Bidenharn, Mgr hotel. PLAZA HOTEL Rooms S1.00, with bslh 51.50 European plan H,-»rl n[ 'ho city. SEAPORT MOTOR CO Overland Day and nigh, 787 Broadway___________________STd;,!.^’™^ ‘‘°J 0<"' FULLER’S CAFE Beaumont's exclusive cafe. Tourist 574 Pearl St comfort assured. Also Port Arthur. FABRA AUTO SUPPLY CO ?ay «»d night m.d .emcc. fiu. Magnolia and Laurel Sts “,bm°tlpho°°rd2os'v''0""‘ A' W' travel information LIBERTY OST Officials—B. G. Riviere, Councilor. Pop. 1117 Elevation 41 ft. • Two banks. LIBERTY HOTEL Lunch and cold drinks. Comfort- Lunch and Cold Drinks__________able rooms, reasonable r.ites. DAYTON OST Officials—W. T. Jamison. Councilor. Pop. 2527 E’evation 81 f\ One bank. DAYTON MERC. CO xffrhX!*'* fur‘ REAL’S PHARMACY Drugs, sundries, soda OST Headquarters fountain. HARRINGTON’S GARAGE Oldest established most depend. E. G. Harrington it 'd-, " ” CROSBY Pop. 261 Elevation 16 ft. One hank. CROSBY MOTOR CO Authorized motor service. OST Headquarters_______________stomrr.___________________ HOUSTON Pop. 138 276 Elevation 61 ft. 23 hanks. Tourist Camp—on OST opp. Rice Institute, in Hermann Park. Accommodates 1000 cars. All conveniences; inspected; protected. Playgrounds and golf grounds near. Houston Ship Channel makes Houston a port of entry. Rice, oil, refinery and lumber renter. Products, Harris County, figs, truck, sugar, rice, gcnoral farming; largest cattle raising county in Texas. State Park, San Jacinto Battle Grounds, where Texas liberty was won, near Houston. HOTEL COTTON 175 rooms, fireproof. Room will Daley & Moffatt. Lessees ba,h 52 00 BRAZOS HOTEL ^S.Xjn^T'dS;n,B;u« 250 Rooms in the world HOTEL BRISTOL Fireproof. European plan. Cen 708 Travis St Sr" RICE HOTEL On ,hc OST. Houston'. leading Texas Ave and Main Hcan °[ ,h' d|r- «°°; AIACATEE HOTEL One block ca,t of Central depot Washington Ave Europe.n'phn"1'' eo°"cc,ion HOTEL BENDER Houston', modem, fully equipped Headq. Motor League i.ndinq hntei. DE GEORGE HOTEL Hotel of comfort. Bc.t nppoint- 1418 Preston St ntent.. New and clean. SHELOR MOTOR CO Phone Preston 850 Dealer, in La. and Texas Aves Dodge c«r«. BRAZOS VAL. BUICK CO Tourl.t.1 headq. Sale, .nd 904 Main St .en-tee. COURT HOUSE GARAGE D.y and night service. 214 Fannin St Gat and oil. C. G. MOFFAT & CO Picrcc*Arrow cars and 1710 Main St__________________________________________________ MOSEHART & KELLER CO Studebakcr car. and 211 Caroline St service. Page Two travel information GEO. L. GLASS & SONS Travis & McKinney Sts liranch, phone Wayside lOlS^Sy]’ van Busch phone Laporlc 5 Stand GYDESON-MANFORD CO Cadillac—Standard of the 2108 Main St _________________________"”,R_______________________ HOUSTON ELEC SERVICE 1405 Main St make car. Speedometer service Phone Preston 2252 QUICK SERVICE GARAGE Official Motor League Garage. All-808 Travis St nmc -cmce; ,,e never sleep. Rea. TRAVEL INFORMATION ROSENBERG Pop. 1279 Elevation 90 ft. One bank. Tourist Camp—Near cast city limits. Well equipped. Products—Cotton, fruits and early truck. Big Creek oil field sir mil*. southeast; Damon and West Columb’a oW fields. 20 mile, CUMTNGS DRUG STORE Drue, and “ sundries. FARMERS’ GARAGE Filling nation .nd BUICK SERVICE Bnick cars. Gasoline and D. I. Lowe Mobiioii. PLAZA HOTEL American plan 52.50 per day. ____________________________ European plan 51.00 per day. CAFE DE PARIS Meal, at .11 hour.. Fimt-e..., EAST BERNARD OST Officials—R. B. Boettcher, Councilor. Pop. 310 Elevation 120 ft. One bank. Products—Rice, general farming and truck. HIGHWAY GARAGE Information headq. Gasoline fill* F. A. BREZECNY & CO Goodyear tires and tubes. Texaco GENERAL MERCHANDISE D D. Beveridge. Cold fountain PALACE OF SWEETS Drag. and .11 tnuri.t H. F. Dill supplies. UNION STATE BANK OST He.dqu.rter, ” R. R. Boettcher. Coune lor. E. C. FIND & CO Authorized Ford service LISSIE Pop. 60 Elevation 121 ft. G.-mp ground and conveniences provided. LISSIE MERC. CO oTSd ST- EAGLE LAKE OST Officials—F. A. Norman, Councilor. Pop. 2017 Elevation 156 ft. Two banks. Tourist Camp—On the Highway, screened sleeping quarters, water, light. Products—Rice, general farming, cattle.__________________ FIRST NATIONAL BANK ^"^“'“Su.ciinr. EAGLE LAKE MERC. CO .»d hkew. kT C-\RAGE i none 14 Ruawntced. Tourists' shop. OPTOMETRIST Victrolas, kodaks and J. F. Ulery ____________________ HOTEL DALLAS Th0 b..t to be h.d .long the line. BURGER’S RESTAURANT Tourl.t headq. Fine meal.. Free information. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO «“*«• »' Page Three Page Four FILLING STATION South end Main .1. Store and cob: S Main & Be'nir Bhd________________<"»nn"v'i"" Flannagan 3 GALVESTON ' Tributary Lino from Houston to the Gulf. OST Officials—Mrs. George Scaly, Honorary Vice President. Pop. 41.255 Elevation 7 ft. Nine banks. One of Texas' most important seaports, and the m«st noted seaside resort r = ’v rf «hc ■<'„llnvrt._______________________________ ______ ____O’l the Galveston R-i.nl_________________ WEBSTER SERVICE STATION \, ,„„r .mire. LEAGUE CITY STAR GARAGE Day and night road service. Igni- Phone 1139 li»» G„ ,nd nil. LAMARQUE GENERAL STORE Filling ...lion, Acce„onc. Cor Botratip’s_________________Texas City road- opp. depot. SUGARLAND OST Officials—Dr. Harry Redan, Councilor. Pop. 2019 Elevation 82 ft. One bank. Tourist Camp—On bank Cleveland Lake. Products—Early celery and spinach. Homo of the Sugarlind Industries. SUGARLAND INDUSTRIES Home of Scaly Mattress q,,.i.________________________________ . RICHMOND OST Officials—T. B. IVccndorlT. Councilor. Pop. 1273 Elevation 81 ft. Two bank,. Product,—Biro, cotton com. caltltr. oil mill._________ BRAZOS MOTOR CO "■^'««k''"i-wc",ct"vt^ BAINES DRUG STORE Now. .crvico nod Registered Ph. G. periodica',._____________ DON’S BAKERY Tourl.t refreshment parlor. bakery goods. Soda fountain anu RICHMOND MOTOR CO Authorised Ford .errice JONES & HINSON Croccrie. for every tourist FIRST NATIONAL BANK Investor,' corrc.pondcncc NATIONAL HOTEL Special provision for tourl.t OST Headquarters comfort. PALACE OF SWEETS Cold drinlu and eat,. Accommo- PORT ARTHUR OST Tributary Line south from Beaumont to the Gulf OST Officials—F. C. Gifford, Councilor. Pop. 22,251 Elevation 10 ft. Three banks. Concrete road from Beaumont. Port Arthur is developing into a great refinery and shipping point. Orango, Beaumont and Port Arthur arc attaining distinction as the seaports of the southwest. NOME OST Officials—F. B. Hammers. Councilor. Pop. 110 Elevation 44 ft. Tourist Camp—Oak grove; not equipped. Products—Rico. oil. earth*, truck. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cold drinks, lunches and tourists' Mrs. Nettie Weaver ««. Filling .union. NOME GARAGE Ga,. oil, tires, lube, and every F. B. Hammers 'bine. Finl-cli.. mechanic. DEVERS DEVERS MERC. CO, INC Feed, gasoline, oil., tires, tube! General Merchandise *"4 .cccoric.. Page One