February 1U, 1923. Irvington, Ala. Dear Dir: TTill you nleaee furnish thin of Tice svith a list of the Old o .nnisV'. fro.il rao'/lotr? Aio o.5.1*1 •*. rioir jaei/.ijor 'his sees : tae soring of .1023? Tt 3-1;:^ n? iuvo no list of those aonhora and wish to etnight-en oat our .v ~cc.■ ‘.n • ..I'ion, .0. are no./ gatting out Cor rentio 1 li . - : ;ur e tn..it s those xiaroas for our :u"ilin:: list. .Thrmring you. in aiv.mee for this A: To :n■■t,U>n , -vs are, 'ours v-.-ry truly, .. CiZin- 'v^AUSH TR \TT, Brn.