r / , 4 f i ' eagsosted sail £o* a aomt wlfio CeU*a 'ay the 3oss*ltt&o, os: tli© Oouot Olub. os as thought be»t» •irjss- aeration to awn atomic* vituliag i^He sentient, enfi ojseeafi Information. / Jail will/ai-is ootobliah lochias .ship. 9fc» mootl^ 15 411 lead to saauUa. a? " Dm c. «&H -r-vj ‘iok and Hswtay* fifes roaolAtJU-n koadou., jJXAA;'. i’X'JGJ.'i XviU ‘JiiB will oerte to lem! tH* oyon €i0»cis ..>. gaos :-t»o';ii,.g» yinully, probably with iwamtoonta, the **»©lutlcm con be ailopjKfii., If a :'3Bftl88ip>>i ahapie* Its to Vo orijujjXsresl eeelc a« sowty no«*Ji»atioa» fcvs Jre<k nt •':V? ■ -ry ;;s than ole at* Sfcoa nssic the j^eople go Sorb and donlgnato thel* ropreBontutlve ern the boasfi fchtu their dh&n’eo* of acKsroroo. oz aUHrSwiso, ft an tAs uttiee ^peeing t» ooojtfilnute. At the '-.eating of the bcxur eleot- -vto^piieeifeeat. « One officer ox dl»eetov fxoi. orqIi city, 03; too If deeirtb. JCOTIRG HtJGRAUi 5emyota*y offloesa apo-JlMJtfa 'Outline resolution ui& dlsonwolon ^.gwolee l-iiaoiaalppl chapter Peamtsont ofiloorc tsiea ob&xgo /.gsroe on ally ..kq&u» u^i.ou, on ■*■;•:, Ob0 fca hal* of 16i‘.e* f u.ote principle £b 2tij$ per ocplitt) iif*ee infinitely when the yoveiv.l 4uot* s «r« to be ps-ltf. ’>««*& proper iiialaslon in fcU« txav&tog £& xoute mcxkiiig Sseisod? V;ill Coast vreloono assfl piatlolpate in i»otose&d« to t. fu^watisiev «SS mw-ffl (MMUZliMZMVi AatosaoHlXe 01w» of r:ou.thosn n*»3.1£otJtl», Incooo ,>1,600.000 siusaolly* Cttllfoxnlii, inco Olu'o of ; out&exn OtiUfostnla Ron Slego Olub iruoaon. Oatowttff flub, 31 o. M«Qr* of Awjilea. H.S.66