STUDIES I'! PROGRESS These studies have been progressing for many years. ^ach study has been supported by a distinct group, of persons in San Antonio and in other sections of the Spanish Borderlands. Each naturally has specialized according to its particular knowledge, and this seecialiazing has been encouraged by me as the best means to the end so much desired. 1 Art. Reproduction, Pan -Josef Sacristy window. (This is completed, and now on loan to the Public library for student and other study. The reproduction preserves a picture of the window as it was in the days of the padres. A written study of this window has been filed, in the reference room, at the library. "any helped in the study of the art and physical features of this window. For the art reproduction, photographers, an artist, a sculptor, and. certain mechanics were called into service. Old, ancient photos were collected, and special present-day photographs were made. Study and planning for this work were begun over two years ago. The carved artfof the missions cannot be restored hut by this work we have showrf’hhe detail and beauty of those carvings can be recalled from the grave of tine and preserved for posterity.) 2 I** Wt/A WItXL Artwork reproduction, Pan Jose facade. (The sacristy window reproduction has given us the technique by which to complete this facade work, and other carved works. VJe have the old photographs, and have a nearly connlete study of the figures, designs, symbols etc. that are carved into that atone artistry—everything in that mass picture has a definite and consecrated meaning; some of the symbolism is centuries old, rooted romantically into those Ages of Faith of ancient Spain. The San Jose facade imbeds the religion of ■he padres who came to thi3 wilderness as the brothers of men. That sermon carved in the stone is beautiful. The group that has already done so much in the studv of can lose' facade should be held together until the reliriouo study and the artwork reproduction are both completed.) Artwork reproduction, Concepcion facade. (The discussion under tho previous two items will, stand for this also -'nch has been done. Old photos have been collected. And the religious meaning of the artistry the padres implanted on this facade is interpreted. And rqy studies and collections of other missions in these Spanish Borderlands add interesting chapters to these studies.) 4 Religious interpretation, San Jose facade. 5 Religious interpretation, Concepcion facade. (Discussed under 1, 2 and 5)