Liy dear i.Ir. Ayres: As Ilrs. Hatcher is about to depart for six weeks in the ITorth and East, she has asked me to reply to your letter contained on the other side of this sheet. ilrs. Hatcher and I are good frinds, close neighbors, and do a great deal of work together. If we do this Old Spanish Trail work for 3rou we will do it together. As a matter of fact, we.have been planning for several years to retrace the O.S.T through Texas and write an historical log ot it. V/e could do this for you, if you cared to wait until li te summer or fall, 3?or work that can be done within the next two months, v/e have two things to offer you. 1. A group, as few or many as you wish; of historical and legendEiry vignettes to be used ees you wish. 2. A group of more or less loosely held together stories giving the steps lay which the O.S.T. cane into existence. Th-ts would include directly or indirectly almost every picturesque character of Spanish Golonii 1 Texas. Our materials w.uld bo drawn, for the most part from original sources,whachare either wholly or little known. Unclosed you will find a very crude and hastily tyed-out suggestion for stringing the stories together. I thinka book of TgXas stories made up after this or some similE.r plan would prove quite popular and salable. I have no way of judging how extensively o/T expensively you wish to go into this thing. If it is worth you time coming over here to talk over the matter and settle iipon the plan of work, I shall be glad to talk with you at anytime. On the other hand, if it promises to be profitable for me, I shall be willing to drop other work that I am doing for a while and push this through. Sincerely