OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD, CHAIRMAN MRS. MARIAN E. MARTIN ^Critieb Pieties J&eruzic, CONFERENCE OF THE MINORITY. ?ebruary 7, 1922. Mr. H. B. Ayres, Battle House, Mobile, Ala. My dear Mr. Ayres: I am in receipt of your letter of the 3rd inst., and I wish it were possible for me to be present at the meeting of the Highway Department. I have been away from the Senate so much in the last few months on account of being a member of the Conference on the Limitation of Armaments that I feel that now the Conference has adjourned I should get back to my congressional duties. Mr. lord's proposal to develop Muscle Shoals is now before the Senate, and I am doing the very best I can to secure favorable action, so you can see that it is impossible for me to leave Washington at this time. .ith kindest regards, I am Cord ioi t w in