be AC]' urn.::, msv. .ysrgey Letter from 1’iss Emily Lilson, July 9, 1929 respecting: Old mist: ion;; J'ldridA Discovery Date. ; issjonc I understand there a mission ruin on Gt Gary's Giver, lire. Vashington Conner in her payer rend at TTev. Smyrna states: 'Several of these ruins exist®© in Georgia. They are built of •U-h-, --three are remarkable--those near Gt 'Gary's and Darien. There is much to be vrittenfconcerning the large edifice near • ' { k St Gary's, Gant?. laria de los Tamasos, the head mission of Ouale, V ...hich is still standing except the roof and tv.o pillars of $he small cloister , one fallen and one missing. The second of these ruins is on the Dupont Estate, an old plantation not far from Darien. ' Che then speaks of other ruins near' Darien. I do not think Connor vae correct in all her surmises, but t have seen the plan of the mission a t St .Gary's in the Library of Congress.. It built or rebuilt in the second Gpanish occupation. I have not been there, but T have heard others s eak of it be: ide ] rs. Connor. 3'1 oivi g k JJ i? coyspy _ _Jfce You ask about the date, 1512 or 151b.. Dr. Anderson put the d-te 151b on the Donee de Leon statue although the rep rt he read from tine Lis.anic Vociety of Dev. York g~ve no decided answer to his request f< r information. GTE KECCK3D and others use 1513 to lease the 'T'ountai.. of Yout ■ ’ o\ ner. I called the attention of the "once de Leon committee to the fact that if they used the date 1513. they could not say Donee landed on ' meter day, as the only reason for using 1513 -as that ;ast..r in t’ at year came on IGarch 1:7th, one \.ce.-. before Ponce do leon landed on A. ril 3d. I use the date 15.11 because it is the date officially accen ted b„ G' and all tl.e early writers excepting J.a ID go., \ho gives 1515, and Las, 1511. I Irve traced back myself or calculated it as veil as I can, and find last r car :s on Larch '7th, 1513, by our time. The calendar being out about 5 or 10 days, the date would have been ! arch 17th—too early to use by Church rules and Yasser v.ould have then cone in t3ie next moon in April. I I have read an account of ope Leo 1 in his gre~t procession to tl.e Lateran April 11, 1513 tl.e dat as I i\.m.•:•:!)< r, and the people threv. ,aim branches before him. It sounded much like ^alm. Sunday. To find exactly vhat c’-n. celebrated as Laster in 1512 and 1513 one must get back into contemj orary hi. tory, books (prii te3 or v.-ritten those years. According i- histories the battle oT Lavenna fought on Easter '.ril 11, 1512. hut I do not knot if the books J have read are old or net. time. The accounts of the battle, of On st on cu. Lois, chevalier- Lnyard etc, do not mention it Last..}- day. I Irve not been .near few. big libraries to L-t* .