jlovffi'a r V , 191n . •’.'r- r-ideni: 'A .’’.>'121 cams , Highways industries Association, Lima,Ohio ■ Xy flear Sir: Your letter with enclosures reached me just before leaving for & short trip, am I avail myself of the first ooportur.ity to •■ rite to you. I hope th» telegrams reached you in time to include The Old Srftpiph fra.il Association in the official oa 11 v;hich you will issue for the Chicago convention. President I Rimer hi! Ions, or’ the Old Sp4.nifh Trail i-Fsociutinn, resides in Mobile,Ala*, end that is really headquarter.'-, of the Association; hut ns "STfiptant Secretary for the- Old Ppsn ish Trail /»socora'vi on for the ilaet, heaujiiarturs Tallahas see,?la•, I nsvior mory inquiries about routine Hitters, end IrnoT/iri- t hat i-reanicnt Lilians i-.nfl Secretary S.A.XeBlunc would be on! too glad to co-operate with you 3r this matter, - a out you the ware oe r aquas tau b; you. I have rtt-'ir - ct» your letter to ’'rssiderit -’il Inns, also pent a copy of gwne ant the enclosures to secretary XcBlanc, '!oi i2c» ss'-irv them to cownurioote with you and also attend the convent: 1 on. During the war, the Association has rot >3o."e active work, hut through this office we have endeavored to keep no publicity and inter cut in hastening the eowplet 1 on of the Oeeor.-to-Goe&n highway. At my request, Governor Uatts wrote to Me Governors of ell the States along the Old Spunish frail Highway,ashing them to speed up the -courtruction of the Highway .especially the bridges, in t> sir states,and to write him urging the completion of the bridge across the --r.ulucX iccla river, ir. Florida. This they a id,and Governor Catts gave me the original letters to take to Quincy,i'la. when the Board of County Commie*lone rs met to ort-n bids: on the bridge. The letters were read and bad grot. f. influence in making the Board take a broach r view of the necessity for this bridge, —showing that it concerned not only Florida,but the United States,to have this bridge built,for the hi -hwtty along the Southern berdor of our oou-.try will