(Reprint from Texas Almanac, 1859) (Published in Old Spanish Trail Magazine, December, 1920) TEXAS ADVERTISEMENTS The San Antonio and San Diego Mail Line. Tills LINE which has been in successful operation since July', 1S37, is ticketing PASSENGERS through to San Diego, and also to all intermediate stations: Passengers and Express matter forwarded m NEW COACHES drawn In six mules over the entire length of our Line, excepting the Colorado Desert, ot ’ ••• miles, which we cross on mule back Passengers guaranteed m their ticket-ride in Coaches, excepting the 100 miles, above staled PASSENGERS TICKETED TO AND FROM SAN ANTONIO AND Port Clark, Fort Hudson, Fort Lancaster Fort Davis, Fort Bliss. El Paso, Fort Fillmore. La Mesilla. Tucson, Arizona, Fori Yuma, San Diego The CoachcH of our Line leave senu-inoulhly from each end. ou the 0th and 2-1 ill of each mouth, at G o’clock, A M An armed escort travels through the Indian country with each mail, tram, fprthc protection of the mails and passengers Passengers are provided with provisions during the trip except where the Coach stops at Public Houses along the Line, at which each Passenger will pay for his own meal Each Passenger is allowed thirtv pounds of personal baggage, exclusive of blankets aud arms Passengers coming to San Antonio can take the line of mail steamers from} New Orleans twice a wceK to Indiauola, from the latter place there is a daily hue of four horse mail coaches direct to this place On the Pacific side the California Steam Navigation Company are running a first class steamer, semi-monthly, to and from San Francisco and San Diego FARE ON THIS LINE AS FOLLOWS, INCLUDING RATIONS San A'utouio to San Diego. $200 San Antonio to El Paso, $100 ’• " Tucson, 100 Intermediate stations 10c per mile Extra baggage, ipheu earned, 40 cents per pound to El P/iso, and $1 per pouud to San Diego. Passengers cau obtoin all necessary outfits in San Antonio. For further'in^oraialion, and for the purchase of tickets, apply at the office of IhcComp.antf in litis oity, or address I. C WOODS, Superintendent of fhn -line, carfe of American Goal Company. 50 Exchaugc Place, New York a. EL GrIDDINGrS R B. DOYLE, Proprietors.