wtor, oc&V3Vgit.vS elonnor them as laroasct. At S;30 :.o arrived at fite Pools of rtoTOTa. The -boats were placed oa m ciLevutiaa* having toanrd the oaot tho Canoe {In Genoa) Ton leagues, fJsro E, I‘., oho oast* mcl fens? 1-u 3, da the BV'dh-xia cot cut r.t B o’clock,cold, and after a alert distance, the hills (Icvioria) cait faying, v.o arrived at a thick wesed of saesciuite, nopal, etc* and sees? its end is tho iigiajo of Son Uoctuc, whore tharc io to top in pools all tho your* ".'o did not atop, tout want up tho Croat of the hill* which is the only rocky place (ponosguaria) hi;the vicinity, eli£iouj$i covered with a. dorgrowth. 2raa hero the iTuoces River can bo coon, and is not lost sight of until .it in crossed* loseondfas the hill, tho v/ooS ends, and tho lG:iorias(h'ilIa) continue to the Aguajo of la Barsma, t$iioh is another pool two leagues frea tlso preceding one, and not so abundant. o otogpod haro to warn oursoivos, b'd sot oat through a little grove (toosjuocito). Tho load changes to a cihnBSiion color, '.-he Inst aaguoyos re soon- 1?cke? loroues fu&thor and a little higher than tho others around it, which is caHsd la CocMaa,- On this side a fovr days before the Apaches sailed sew. no a, A little before this a large nnribe? of wild horses crossed tho road, v.'o traveled two longues over boro hills, nescendiag into a raviuo foatod toy tho wood of -<1 ccc&fcaa. Tho wood is very dense and divided into two ports toy a little hilKlosiita) Which. cuts it from north to south, be. wont • ! another lc- gao and outered another ravins v/lth crass, very fcighpnd which the river floods i:i its rises, Vo raaaod tUis'(tho vistas) (or itie ravine) at a snaaspy pool, ill moiling, and on tho opposite tools at tho eatroaco cf a wood wo caapod. Eleven iGoguoa principal diroctica oast northeast, with-Many useless windings (auchae Inflonlonoo inutiloa). This was t/jo Eubcos River they crossed. Tho 28, wo sot oat at 01 Passed, tho little grove of mosquitos on tho river bonk and set out toy aerie to. ro hills (lamoriaa) whore the wind boat upon us without nercy. v.o wont four leagues with great fatigue and stopped to wan oursolvos.