CojvOs?Iouters to this advertising are oomplair.Ir g, members arc complaining, and Mr. Colp says the solicitor via® to ay haif the coat of tho* printing ar.d tho 'solicitor says ho W^^Kt-g-ferr^ TTiQHy H-. ojio solicitor ms found overpaid his 75-' commissions, and' l*r» Colp said tho solicitor owed him and Dr. -Tohraton money* and it is' stated tho printing to Given to that Incompetent grzfxfrc shop because the r,>*c-priotor owed Dr, foknaton monoy. Thin solicitor visa sort out again ond given 75;,- after X had recalled hira. Ko also ms allowed to indorse ar.d convert cheeks to his ovm use About flic timo Of i^f rolurm another nan. van cent into admittedly poor territory and given £5 l/h. - and r«&i\o for himself 100 00 per week. so-called publicity v£.r ms sort out and as usual no contract Is sheer, and rone of the protecting Influences thrown around him. Important privileges wore turned over to him, without record or restriction so fur as known'. he passed bad olcecs and left unpaid personal bills, and on **lr rotum f recallod hln,' tho* ho v/ab secretly sent westward. He-passed a bad chock for -.'200 00 in jar> 'Diego and disappeared, ’information is now coning ex' other misuse of money and of credits. fhero are &0Quuf»n'i«3 and delta of oxhor crude v/olie, oui. so much is not necessary here. winco January XTSJIc" p?jncc.“cx my aoHcnoc) chp "an ArWrlo orfiee has had over (:8500 00, yd no attempt v;as made to pay the accounts of the Association for the service and materials used by the office- go money was net adifio to issue theao sootion maps and travel information, for which something over .G500 00 has boor collected, ‘ I myself was in virgin territory ir the last and should have had financial help from Headquarters, and from Vex&s ’..'hero three years of work lay behind tho office. ~ Instead, i had to produce in the fast all monoy for those expenses, and for tho '..ashiv ton expenses, and sent money to :v.r -ntonio to help this oil ice, and paid .' 250 00 to the Hunter Hotel to prevent dispossess, and this .:250 00 is still due me. • gave hr.* Coin my personal check in April for ...150 00 because ho claimed to be in distress, and he has not attempted to repay that. The organization cannot continue to exist by suoli practices. fc * must show the people, and at once, wo are worthy of the trout placed in us, and the first stop is to atop this' abuse of their confidence, and to reatoro the protective and constitutional provisions to the Headquarters work —and this in spite of tho President if ho persists in refusing to accept tho v.vrdlct of his ovm follow citizens and workers. Then ways must bo found to oontinuo the constructive policies that placed this Highway or. tho naps of all tho OST states as a part of the federal system of highways, and as an important transcontinental highway; and that brought about tho dcolar ation of the senators and' congressmen that this was a basic highway of the United iitatos system and should be promptly completed ir. tho public interoat; and that secured tho* bopartment amonnoBasrdE otatoinont that it was of first importance to the national dofonao and asked for its construction according to tho best federal standards as a military necessity.