BEAUTIFICATION. This 1ms been well organized by the women. The program for roadside improvement has been developed thru thousands of miles of travel by these women in the United States and in Europe and bulletins are issued for the guidance of the people. It is the only outstanding and carefully arranged plan of beautification of any national highway and is being copied extensively. This department needs $3000 per year for headquarters work and publicity and for its cooperative labors to get the localities interested and at work. Their program lias been officially approved in many ways. PUBLICITY DIRECTOR. This department is now an imperative need if the improved travel conditions and the business opportunities of this territory are to be made nationally known. Newspaper and magazine editors, as we have ample evidence, will take Old Spanish Trail news and feature articles because of the interest in this southern country: this is the most valuable kind of publicity. $2500 minimum is needed to get this department established. A competent publicity director is ready for the service. TOURIST INFORMATION BUREAU. We should install such a bureau. The present connections of this organization for distribution cover the whole United States. Inquiries come from everywhere. OST literature and data are accumulating. OST communities have their literature for distribution. A central bureau would be a valuable clearing house for inquiries and the OST communities. YEAR BOOK. This tells what we have accomplished and what is planned. It is an effective element of leadership, suggestion and report. The territory is vast: the Year Book reaches everywhere. It; circulates over the North and arouses interest in this South country. It costs about $1000 annually. ADMINISTRATION. Obviously the administration of this work over thousands of miles of territory is a big undertaking. This expansion has been an inevitable growth. We must; build up travel service as a great railroad does if we want people to come and spend or settle or invest. This work is for your benefit and you can help with its financing and see that others help. Only a few years ago this Old Spanish Trail project was called a. dream. Today it stands with an unparalleled construction record. San Antonio, Texas, HARRAL AYRES, August 1, 1927. Managing Director. CARRYING THRU THIS PROGRAM IS OF COURSE LIMITED TO OUR ABILITY TO MEET THE COSTS. WILL YOU HELP ALL YOU CAN? ITS ONLY OBJECT IS TO PROMOTE THE INTERTSTS OF THE PEOPLE. WE ARE STRIVING TO HAVE EVERYONE THAT WANTS TO TRAVEL OR INVEST TO KNOW OF THIS OLD SPANISH TRAIL COUNTRY AND ITS OPPORTUNITIES. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS THEREFORE ARE INVITED.