San Antonio, Texas, January Slot, 1922. Prof. William A. Hoad, Louisiana State University, 344 Napoleon Street, Baton Hongs, Louisiana* Bear Prof. Hoad; Last year wo wrote you v.*e vrero trying to work out the definitions of the place mm os along' the Old Spanish Trail. Your reply was very kind and very helpful. ' Your book ’’Louisiana Place Names" has boon particularly" helpful. We enclose a copy of the compilation as it non stands. You may have some further criticism and v/o would also appreciate being advised if m the actoaov/le&gnent at the head wo should 'give credit to the Louisiana University or to you personally. ?h© word I!echos (pg. 3 enclosed) is uncertain. I have read your disenenion of NaTeHea. v/e have the suggestion that N echos was the Spanish form r-nd lafehaa the "trench form. Hiss ’’rends Scarborough, 822 w. Mistletoe /.ve,, Son Antonio is an American woman and a Spanish scholar end has done considerable research work. She has located on a Yoxas map Indian tribe names as she has found them and the TIoohos tribe appears in Hast ’Posmg somewhat in the general neighborhood of Caddo Lake. I haven't the map in front of me at this writing. I was wondering whether these remarks might establish any connection be-tweon li cohos and ?^fetohea. Sincerely, flarral Ayres, OS? Managing Director