El Paso, Sp. The Pass. Originally Ml Paso del Korto, The Pass of the Horth. T'Tov/ Mexico Mesilla Park, Sp. Originally La Mesilla, a small table (or tableland) .-.\rau- r.-tg Las Cruces, Sp. The crosses. Rodeo, Sp. Inelosvire for cattle. Arizona San Bernardino Valley, Sp. St. 3e rnardino„ San Pedro River, Sp. St. Peter. Tucson, U3in^ ✓ X * ’ ’ ■' ’’ V ' Santa Crus Valley, sp. Holy Cross. Santa Catalina libs* Sp. St. Catharine (Santa,feminine form) Mesa, sp. A plateau. Glia River, ■v. ■ ■ j (i • Yum?;, \ Sp. Ind. Sp. form Indian tribe name. Colorado River,Aris-Cal.line, , Sp. Red. California B1 Oontro t Sp. 5 \ , . \ ■ ■ : ' ' The center. SI Cajon, bp o ahed for selling provisions. Pronounced ca-hoon. v • • San Diego, Sp. St. James. Other form, Santiago.w Host rivers and numerous geographical divisions in the Southwest carry Spanish names or corruptions of the Spanish. Old streets and local names pre Spanish at St. Augustine, Pensacola, San Antonio, ill Paso, Tucson, San Piego and the other" old e can-rani ties of the Southwest. French prevails in street, city, town, and county names from Ho "bile, Ala. to Lafayette, La.