Mr. Walter Parker, Mgr. Association Oomsrce, Mobile,Mar oh 11, 1922 Daur Mr. Parker,- Yott have had several communications about this Pour-State Conference at. Mobile. I an very anxious that you shall come and that 5ew Orleans, an! the state highway commission, shall be represented- I have never lost sight of the conversation you and I had about the QST being broken in two east of ITsw Orleans. This Pour-State Conference is ay answer. I have been here in Mobile row for three months} helping first to do ay little part to put over the $25,000,000 bond issue. The new vision and hope I instilled into Mobile is believe--; by many to have had a great deal to do with Mobile's being the banner district voting GO to 1. This town is unanimous for that bridge, but every little leader had a different method for getting it. Today the whole city is pulling together on this program, and this four-state conference is pulling hundreds of others into t: e game. Everyone is asked to lay off on the little differences for the one big thing. In Alabama there are twelve highway commissioners; eleven are upstate. You can see what I have had to. overcome. Mobile had. lapsed into a state of hopelessness so far as outside aid w&e concerned. '.Tow v;o have the bridge project established as a state right. The enclosed ’’bridge argument” I have just prepared for the chairman on the presentation. If the Old Spanish Trail cun have this SOO-vilc link from STew Orleans to Pensacola it will be open across the continent. Florida and Mississippi can be delivered, although Mississippi has the OST down as a secondary highway, and. that I am fighting to correct. If now we can deliver Alabama, and you there can deliver Louisiana, a boulevard highway (Gulf Roast Boulevard we are calling it, and the state has taken it up) car be built. The federal engineer?- are with us. I need the help of all of you. An. intending you shall ba down for a talk Monday night at the banquet. Enclose OST news articles am just having sent out. Don’t think I need to argue further tho importance of this. Sincerely, Managing Director,QST Battle House, Mobile.