South Yarmouth, Mass., July 3,1917 j«jS 7 "(Did Spanish Trail" Association, ‘ Mr. S.A. LeBlanc, Secretary, Mobile, Alabama. Dear Sir:- This office is in receipt of your letter of June 28th. Thi3 office is as usual closed for the -week of July 4th. On re-opening it will take 3ome time to get up to date with the accumulated mail. This will be done as promptly as possiole, and you will hear further fromus if your letter requires further attention at our hands beyond this acknowledgment. for Yours very truly, president. ' ' ^-~~ /HJ85 Elias Vander Horst. C.E., New York Arthur H. Blanchard, C.E., A.M.. new York Chairman Division op Highway engineers Timothy W. Sprague. S.B., boston ENGINEER TO BOARD OF NATIONAL COUNCILLORS Will Ward Dufficld Engincer of Chart construction Francis Hu rtubis. Jr. Robert Bruce, utica. n. y. national Highways historian Stanley E. Bates. S.B.. Chicago Engincer National highways puolications John C. Mulford Chief cartographer BY CONSENT: DEPOSITORIES FOR FUNDS OF THI NATIONAL HIGHWAYS ASSOCIATION GENERAL COLEMAN DU PONT Chairman board of national councillors Charles Henry Davis. C.E. president Frederic Remsen Hutton. M.E.. Sc.d. GENERAL SECRETARY MORGAN. Lewis & BOCKIUS. Philadelphia General Counscl Waldron Williams, new York Judge J. M. Lowe. Kansas city. mo. A. L. Westgard. new YORK Vice-president dircctor Transcontinental Highways Henry Branson Varner president North Carolina Good Roads division Joseph Hyde Pratt. Ph.d. Nelson B. Clark, boston mass, chairman division of puolicity Francis Hill Bigelow John Phillips Marquano. boston, mass. C. H. Claudy. Washington director of puolicity Charles E Foote, new York Walter Agnew Alsdorf. columous. Ohio Assistant director-general Zacchius Davis Dunlap. Nashville, tcnn