OLD SPANISH ffiii.IL PLACE-NAMES Their Origin and Meaning By Harral Ayrea Managing Director Old Spanish Trail Assisted by the Universities of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, and other friends of the Old Spanish Trail works Most rivers and numerous geographical divisions in the Southwest carry Spanish names or corruptions of the Spanish* Old streets and local names are Spanish at St* Augustine, Pensacola, San Antonio, El Paso,Las Cruces, Tucson, San Diego and other old communities* French prevails in street, city, town and county names from Mobile, Ala. to Lafayette, La. FLORIDA FLORIDA: Ponce de Leon landed Easter Day, the feast of Pasque Florida. (Pas-gay Flo-rl-da) ST. AUGUSTINE: Original Spanish, San Agustin. ST. JOHNS (river): Original Spanish, San Juan. (San Hwan) SUWANNEE (river): Indian. AUCXLIA (river): Thought to be corruption of Indian and Spanish. TALLAHASSEE: Suggested a corruption of Greek Indian for old town.., . '■ ■ ■ . ... . ■ - -APAL&CHICOLA (river): Suggested this is Choctaw Indian for allies or friendly people. The Apalacb.es are referred to in the Da Soto Narratives as a strong Indian tribe of this section. CHIPQM (river): Choctaw ohepulli suggested; place for feast or great dance, t£d ■" . CHOCTAWHATCHE53 (river): Hacha, Indian for river---Choctaw River. OKALOOSA (county): Indian for blackwater. ,(. SANTA ROSA (county): Holy or Saint Rose. Santa is feminine form. (Sp.) hv.-;-.- ESCAMBIA (county): ' Bay for scaling fish. Bscamar, to scale fish; tUJtia, bay. (Sp.) PENSACOLA: Suggested Choctaw for Hair people. Alao- (1)