April 10, 1928 Dsar Doctor,- X have yours 3th respecting panama City etc. The extent to which the OST should”be responsible after u Ban has left the OST empldy and. territory is always a difficult education However, your action was beat in view of further letters. Panama City is not on the OST and has been been included in a service or claim. Additionally it has always been considered correct in business to not recognise a chsck to a business house indorsed by an individual. That is the protection an indorsees nt is intended to afford. The bank very properly recognized this fact and refused to pay it. However your settlement of the case ia fair enough. Mr. McKenna vms put on after consultation the president of the automobile club and several others hero. no its a r..j» of ,iood family and a good wife, an sx~yo?.di«r, and of gentlemanly presence. Tin luvl shown. ■ capacity jare tc do the sort of work needed in Florida. It sews hia wife went to her family on a visit (she was to have traveled with him) and he fell in with another woman (as the story now appears) and then left the work and went to Panama City -where they, or he, got to drinking. Soon as he got away from that he want to South Florida and asked hia wife to .join him. The wife and father-in-law are now trying to get the whole matter cleared up. Tic is .not apparently a drinking >:an, and .uo was a&uare enough, soffr as I oar. fine, out, to go away and not involve the OST further after that mis-step. Since the meetin;: in Mobile j; have been trying tc get at the whole trufch respecting him ana the foregoing is about the story I ar getting. 7. have not secured yet the nturn of the r eoeipts, but of course a; asking fortfceu. I have been without information myself except as those letters earns in which you sent. x knew he iiaa u.ivo:.. up the work. 7. now have information Mu wife is with his;, ana hia family is beginning to set the story* I should know more soon, if there is r.or»* to be learned. Very truly