always he of importance in a.11 pI'-'Tip for coast d efense.orf. also for motor express route,since it rill be travelable the entire year, being be 3 civ the anew 3 i r.c '■ c ha. 5 tho Florida legislature to memorialise Congress (in 1317) to tslce over the ^Ici. Spanish 'frail Highway through this Stj.te - v a military highway, and later, when the meeting was held in Mobile in the inter; st of the ASarginai Hilitury Highway--to build. » military high f.-ay completely oreund the United States--the Old Spanish (trail Association wiis active in pushing the project,tr»d vil2 further co-operate when the matter is taben to Washington. _ Governor Charles Henderson of Alabama is Cfcai r?nr.n of the He rg in al Military Highway Con fere no o Committee , and if you have not already dene so, you might wish to invite him to the .Clueago meeting? t,’e will, he glad, to assist in any way to increase the attendance at Chicago , nr, d would at tend,o sona] jy , were it not that I shall have to be at faelTscnville dining the sessions of the Formers' -atjonal Congress, *m? i hove the honor to he one of the assistant secretaries ♦ I enclos e folder «ivin.v dates of the Congress,and suggest that you got in touch with President J.H. .Kimble, Port f-’encsit ,’Ad •, at once,and have the Congress t&lre action in whatever my will he tho best to hasten highway improvement on .permenent lines. Any j can render you -pill be a pleasure. with best wishuc for success, 1 am, Very i; ruly. As si s tint Secretary Old Spanish 'frail As sc s io ti on, for th c East. (Copy to President folder 1 illuns,Mobile . " " Scare tary S. A . leblanc, *6bi 1 e. l I regret that the GST Association has no nubllcation. We will give the meeting publicity through other channels. ■ |