SEEPS TOWARD REMEDIES V , ■ A These -local obligations must' he financed. If v/e can put out a good man we can, perhaps, solve the Terns, difficulties. Eor immediate money, San Antonio should help. She has paid hut 01335 00 in memberships this-year; her minimum quota is . ;5000 00 Mobile has paid this year -;2500 00 and other eastern districts have paid or underwritten their full quotas. If the civic organizations of San Antonio will appoint delegates to a meeting, they can decide whether or not San■--ntonio wants to hold and direct this OST movement. If so, then organize to fulfill San Antonio1s quota, and go to the convention with the proud distinction of having "been faithful to the trust. The annual convention is due in Moveraber; it is doubtful if time enough is left to prepare. An outline has been prepared of the constructive subjects that should come before that convention. But a convention must be thoroly representative or its acts will have no binding force on The people back home. To convene a representative gathering from over such extended territory, a strong program and its publicity are essential, also the assurance of representative leaders on the program, also an attractive meeting city and local entertainment --- after all this is assured, then organized and persistent effort to get members and delegates to attend. Convention preparations will cost considerable money. But if such a convention can be arranged (and it would have been if tilings had been right at Headquarters) then, great strides can be made toward unifying interest and in securing the needed preferences in matters of construction. The Board of Directors should properly issue the Call for the convention. Therefore they should meet.” They should also confirm the acts of the Advisory Board, and pass upon other questions to keep our proceedure regular and orderly. September 21, 1922 II B A