# # f ARGUMENT FOR THE POCK ET MAP Travelers have nothing to ehow where the OST runs. It is marked by State snd Federal numbers and that doesn't show the OST route. Betw. San Antonio aid El Paso they will follow U S 90 in preference to U S 290 unless something is done to emphasise U S 290 as the OST. The national naps like Rand McNally, or national route maps put out by big oil companies or others giving service as an advertisement, give preference to the primary routes.......and if a short cut develops (like ) they will show travel the short cut and its advantages-. There is nothing to give the northern routing bureaus and clubs so they eantell travel about the OST. I There is nothing in existence to help automobile editors on the big papers, who reach a half of the national traveling public with their travel suggestion. There is no complete list of hotels. ' ravelers want a line on the hotels so they can plan ahead for mail and telegrams, and also so they can regulate their stops when night begins to approach. A half of them do not want the big city hotels; they are expensive to the man traveling with his family; they have difficulty finding their way thru city traffic; and they have to unpack most of their baggage; at a country hotel the car can stand outside safely and locked and ‘the unmoved baggage is safe; moreover travelers are not dressed to feel comfortable in big city hotels; they are afraid of accommodations at country hotels unless advised. The AAA plans national route booklets but the AAA is not interested in the OST unless it is kept so outstanding they mat interest themselves. They pr®~ fer to the best and shortest route. They are also influenced by their local club3 and if OST people do not keep,the local clubs sold on the rout© and supplied with printed matter then the OST is nothing moro than aiy other road. gathering The cost of making the map plates and the co3t of/the travel information all across the continent will be at least 02000 This must be paid by the OST people in general and as a general means of advertising. If these costs are put into the costa to the annaxrinxlngexihexmapa individuals asked to buy the mapa the cost will be prohibitive. If OST map3 were abundant and were generally used people would get interested in the OST, and inquire about it, and write about it...they would want to travel and enjoy it ast ha OST. Oth rwiae it becomes a mare road. No U S 90 or some other numberand that means nothing in particular for there are hundreds of numbered roads. When people get interested in the OST as they are in the Old Oregon Trail or the Santa Fe Trail and other popular names then travelers will come and pay dividends to you people.