the new wheat hell, but wisely j 1 general al Sijauglin! hah .'ticks lo the Ollier livestock in'» l*rove-d Mae-in |,.]nlr|a investigate conditions on 'dialf of Alejandro Lerroux. Sparish president of the league coun- dlist rv. As„ its title indicates—and as San Antonio well knows— Winter Garden Fair at Pearsall is a great regional enterprise. For exhibit-material it draws upon of Texas’ and the country’s most flourishing truck-f arming and poultry-raising sections. Farms, gardens, orchards and pastures of the notably rich Frio and Nueces Valleys contribute to an agricul tural and livestock show unexcelled in its class. Embracing football, rodeo, parades, pageants, concerts, dances, fireworks and carnival, the diversions will be of high order. And at this and all the other fairs, the work done by the 4-H Club boys and girls will hold a place of honor. Ilsh Foreign advices front Mukden said Japanese forces entered the Chinese city of Newchv-ang on the Liaotung Gulf yesterday, citing bandit attack on the city as a re son for the Japanese action. MYSTERY SURROUNDS CHICAGO AX SLAYING (By A iciattd F JQ RIVER-LICENSING LAW is one of the most effective acts of safety legislation yet devised, this country’s leading traffic-control experts consider. However, they deplore the fact that last spring the proposal became a political football in some legislatures, and in others—Texas’, for example — was not given the thought it deserved. Because of that circumstance, the National Conference on Street and Highway Safety did not gain all the success it had hoped for in the countrywide campaign to get that greatly useful measure adopted. Only seven States were added to the roll of 12 which previously had such regulations. Ever-growing traffic and increases in the accident-toll along with it, sooner or later will compel lawmakers \to adopt that protective measure. The session which the 20th annual Safety Congress and Exposition in Chicago, October 12-1G. jjo will devote to driver-licensing and (i2 related measures, therefore will be practically interesting. Some eminent authorities on traffic problems will be heard. CHICAGO. Oct. 4.—The mutilat-ed body of Calogero Dlglovannla, with an axe lying nearby, was found today in a ditch near suburban Glen Ellyn. He had been hacked to death. The police said they believed the man was killed by an acquaintance who had a grievance against him. Digiovannia was regularly employed. they said, and had no criminal connections or record. Sheriff Arthur Bennett of Du Page County said the Dlgiovannla's two sons. Charles and Anthony, disappeared from the family home oarlv today. He said he believed they had been summoned away by false information concerning their father. Dlgiovannia’s widow said he had been driven to Grand Itnplds. Mich, yesterday by a friend to visit a son. Police were searching for the friend who Dlglovannla accompa- Weather Man Scz "Fair" BUD,YOU ACT1 AS FOOLISH ASS A BIRD WITH A PULL TRYIN'. TO THINK HE'S1 San Antonio vicinity: Fair with 1 light to moderate