/OWN H. DUNBAR ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL OLYMPIA € RAYMOND W. CLIFFORD M. H.WIGHT TOM W. HOLMAN E . W. ANDERSON R. G. SHARPE B. Q. ADAMS ASSISTANTS May 28, 1924, Mrs, J. To Smith, Chairman, Committee on Advertising, Department of Beautification, Old Spanish Trail, 114 Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas» Dear Madams You wrote us on March 25th asking if there were any laws of tie state of Washington which prohibited advertising along the highways of the state. You also asked if there were any movements among organizations or citizens to abolish or curtail such advertising, Wre answered your letter on April 7th and at that time had little or no information to give you. Recently, however, the state has become interested in this matter. This office is gathering information on similar state laws concerning their substance, their practicability, and the construction the courts of the various states have given them. It is quite likely that this matter will be submitted to the next state legislature. It occurred to us that you probably have considerable of this information at your disposal,, and that you would possibly send this information to us. If you have no extra copies of this data, we would appreciate your sending us the originals, which we will copy and promptly return to you. This legislation, as you no doubt know* will meet with decided 7t