September 9, 1922 'Mrs. F.R.S.Phillips, Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Tallahassee. Dear Mrs. Phillips,- I have your letter of the $ith. We are anxious to see Florida ma-rfra? section of the Old Spanish Trail marked, section maps Issued, auto camps established, tourist loops decided upon etc. I stated these conclusions when 1 went thru there several months ago. I believe if this were done and there were good organizations of membership® thru Florida thattourists would soon flow over that road. With the membership organizations Inviting conditions would develop to please travelers. That is the experience elsewhere. But we cannot start that work until we are sure of the finances to finish it. All those smaller towns I am assured are ready to do their part if the work is started. I said to Pensacola and Milton if they would give us their quota of memberships we then would have some cash and a bit of reserve to justify our starting the work. Both Pensacola and Milton readily accepted and promised this, but they have not yet complied and we do not dare start the Florida work without their complete ha&g support. With kindest regards, I am, Sincerely, Managing Director.