because in this line too much is expected as a gift and the average mortal cannot go through that way. Old Spanish Trail requests are already a burden and expense to me......if you were merely to look at my letter file of the past year you would see how these demands continue and hov; often special pressure is put on me. I am now preparing a small "Travel Edition" of Old Spanish Trail and old history material with the hope this will give me some protection against these calls, and some repayment for the money I have spent and the time I have given. You know how I have accumulated, all these years, photographs and historical data so that this wonderful old Spanish story might become accessible to the people. I am sincerely interested in the Alamo and the trusteeship you women are so nicely exercising and I think ’'understand some of the difficulties that confront you. I have rather hastily prepared the enclosed outline-suggestion for the book I have in mind. I have not, of late, critically observed the books you now have at the Alamo. There are, undoubtedly, many suggestions that would change this enclosed outline. Sincerely, "owntowns 501 Gunter Hotel box..Tr 75 ■Residence: 865 Estes ave., Alamo Heights...."/ 6215