"cvoi^-sr I-’ , 1S?,2 Ur*- i?,~v’i'mi;lore, Carter; 1 Secretary U&MIo Lor of Commerce. boat* I.’i''. i'ettrii-Eiore, - Lours; -1st received. . I lure not lest sight of the fie sir o to hold the natior_.il cor) rant ion at Her/ Orleans, and it. to fit in vitk the Gulf Coast -Com'oror.oo•: II theso- ideas adopts;' on yoi'.r his 'iosippi trip- seamed to me of great value. In; also' conscious libit two! or nor-. raenthu of hard work arc necessary to the-type of convention v/o all’ fill aunt. be yore over a north, you uill lvumcnifc si', .building up .the .coila Conferenoe, and you anil the kis2 combined spent nearly iitOO 00 Constitutionally, our annual convention • should have Leon in dot arbor, but I uu; glad that did not nutorio.liae for I wi with that lien Orleans idea heart end soul; I third', too the blue-'early- next year* can be fixed to suit oil hands,- hc-v Orleans particularly, I believe too can attend a conference week December 11th aa'-you suggest. biti* kindest regards to every one, I an. Slncerol rb.ao glng T> ir ec t or