ticnl. ** * Mobilizing Money. Washington, April 1G.—Admission of state banks into the federal reserve system and concentrating? "floating gold supply,” bv authorizing an exchange of gold mid •certificates for notes of federal or federal reserve banks, is proposed in a bill favorably reported today U>* the senate banking and currency committee. One purpose of the-is to facilitate tiic mobilization the nation’s financial resource’s. Commission Coming. Washington, April 1G—Major General Leonard Wood, ranking officer of the army’s active list, and Colonel R. E. L. Michie, Rear Admiral ALL BRIDGES SHOULD * SAYS LEWIS Tallahassee^ JOT,RNAI? !',’S his 16.—In explain Police Con.- 1Jf inform® I present pied no oiiWjnj that he sto0'1 re,, , vised on the subject, to’Vivo every I true Woodninn Police authority, which! >*?„ would the carrying of arms, it is held. will permit the arm- iately ! a°uth. Theltl?5 an'l French further relief a titanic one promises to be ;■/« ms onnni,xu,~ln explain-1 ing of tne sn"«us. I desireo. . as never b-. material, cquip- h'Scambia eounii!" ®anta Rosa and night ordered to assemble at th* hall i passed by the senate today were jn_ j have more lift3'0"1'01, The Germans Perm;* . counties want *J3H.,-mites™„.:-no!e « fta“ I &n(lnccd by Senator Jones ea "1?; [front dlvI3‘ons ^the western | injr of the squads. The W. Q. W the roles and place th”°b«I on I plf'tand' nurd reading for tomorrow it! strike fran"edA thatthXitish should : w/Ess**-* <** desired. will jo, i,« Hu a, , s,i; i)«t» ..ft0 a corporation fm- ........ hose of constr,?fti ;0ratl°? I01' the pur-hiseambia rivoyC^m® a 1-idge across counties, Amos! ft°"-neCtinK £he two from .os Lewis, rem-i a bridge across vunaecting the two --•“ea, Amos Lewis, representative from Jackson, says: “This bill was up as a local measure, but T think it is one affecting tlie^ whole state, and if all counties same position, the bridge tion oi mu ruurstiay morning, for drill, instructions and general preparation to take part in the parade. Another meeting will take place Friday night. “■ f- u-. mmme, I took the —position, the bridge Fletcher, oi the navy: T.. tolls from Pensacola to Jacksonville ant Secretary of State Breckinridge v,ouU] amol,„J . • - - Long today were apnmntnl hv >rfv -ident Wilson on the ficinlly receive and ““’“"I j A] wo got permission guished members of the Bn.isn a , from j],j5 legislature to do it, and I French war commission, which >s o , fta]c0 t]lc position that all bridges its way to Washington , headed K a]on(!. nle main thoroughfares should Minister Balfour, and it is'bo free to the public. “Another reason I opposed and will continue to oppose toll bridges that the federal —1 111 --- *1 OUl Pensacola to Jacksonvill ouue urcL-Kuiirirr j VvOU]c] amount to a hundred dollar: appointed by lre I Jackson and Gadsden counties arc go the committee to oi-; i n,r -LO build a free bridge across the vnd welcome disun" j Apalachicola river, we got permission Foreign Minister. Balfour, and it is believed both the British and French commissions will be in Washington * week, probably on. Thursday. Jaisc Wheat, Says Houston. shington, April 16.—Secretary P'iculture Houston today called farmers of the spring wheat especially in states of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Washington, Montana and Idaho, to plant more wheat immediately, to make up the serious shortage threatened by the unpromising condition of the winter wheat crop. leat On Free List. OttawarQQntario, Apiil i6.—The governmentT%|tplaced wheat, flour and semolina alkie free list, thus opening United SWfctmarkels, to Canada and Canadian mk^sto the United States in those prodSfc^L dcr reciprocal clauses of the AiuSw can tariff, the United States will admit free wheat and wheat products of any country wlii-ii passed u.v , u“r were troduc.cd by Senat r Jones earlier in front than Wa< V£“ gi "U, the session, these bemj. es follows" year ago. th°ught possible An act requiring the written as-1 signment of mortgages: an act | Great Sma^TT i tliorizing guardians to giVCt or „ . French troons ■ W French, rights of way over lands of Sheir I Marne and Aisno "i ,<|epnrtm.eats ,°£ wards for public roads or streets. I attacks against o0rle 'Vere< inffra«t » act relating to and fixing the pay ?f t"’enty-f^ve^ over f e mc-nt of coroner’s fees; an act per- !Wa»t gains"”'!!.'«?■ ani^ mittinc: administrators or executors 1 v000 Prisoners a of estates to resign, and a bill limit- I J^^erial. ment of coroner’s fee^ ait Zt S' I anP0>-tent gMns"”c!!,!rae' an<1 initting administrators or executors $°°0 Prisoners’ and 1^1^ quantities of estates to resign, and a bill limit. war material Tt. hnttle took ing tlie time m which suit may be s»issons aSd Kheims, filad_ sgainit mu.ii ipalitics ror per-i^________^ol a distance of eighteen and Decision Is Expected By Friday—Pressley Also To .Be Tried Wednesdav morning at 10 o’clock the case of li. J. Fudge will be staged for the second time, in the dircuif court. This court met and organized of any country which admits Zeri can wheat free. The duties -1 moved by the order are tom celtse' bus.iel on wheat, and forty-five per barrel on flour. ents For Conscription. . Washington, April IG.—Test ,a «>e house committee on miiit°!e3 affairs disclosed that a major ‘tarj; !.i!?n?.°”lrl!L1^,favora ,s«>00 way of ^ ---- coil nridges, is that the federal road aid bill of 1916 provides that no funds will be given when toll bridges connect the highways. I don’t believe the people of Santa Rosa and Escambia counties would want a loll bridge if they could not participate in the federal aid money for good roads. “On the other hand, if Santa Rosa and Escambia arc1 going to operate their bridge as a loll one, there is no incentive for Jackson and Gadsden ,.,.u U.*amzcu to operate a free one. I dislike to I yesterday momlug, and the naross of appear as opposing anything that!.66 men wen chosen from the box. would help to make the Spanish Trail From tills number eighteen ‘ will be popular, but I shall oppose to tho limit selected thh morning when cou: the granting of privileges to onerah. I convenes, and tl>.ie body will const; tutc the grand }• ry. The jugo get together th’s ntornmcdS?Ti'seon after organization amjyxlsvmc, and is is said will tho case of the -Dgjj^9Ff®siey, charged with imF lieput- Picizi'ingi in the northern part oi'-tilo raur.ty, recent!,. The special venire of sever.cysfive men is mace r-tumable Wednesday morning at 19 o’clock, at which ti.no the work of driving a jury for the trial of Fudge vsrltl started. There is every indication that the case will get under v-v within a few hours after court is convened, with a view to the interesting legal „ „B_..... ......iur per- sonal injury to sixty days. ’’Dninlt” Legislators. Explanation was made to the senate today by Dr. Fogar:y-of.the delay in receiving the communication | from Governor Catts relative to his I alleged remarks concerning “drunk” legislators.'The question was brought up by Wells, who asked why it was that the latter hud been published before it had corns to the senate. Senator McLeod, member oi the committee, explained that he had received tiic letter Saturday! and thinking all others had also, said nothing about it. The message slates that it was said that any member of tho legisla-Uirewho attempted to vote on the I prohibition amendment while drunk | WOUld lie mi* ............. - -caulU. League, itions mbit with the p®! posed hill a reconsideration of ft resolutions was decided upon. Judge A. C. Blount prermrea . resolution which was referred to th! executive committee pledging tl, members of the Law Enforcement League to do their best to fonvaii the purpose of the League, to attend the meetings regularly, and in gen-eral to be a loyal worker for a bei ter and a cleaner Pensacola. MEW MAIL ROUTE FROM M’DAVID Washington, April 16.—Orders were issued today for the establishment of a motor mail route from McDavid. Escambia county, length 54 miles, and serving 110 families. At the meeting o' the local national guard last night at (he Chamber of Commerce, James F. Phillips was elected captain, Manuel Quina, first lieutenant, and Louis Shuttleworth, second lieutenant Before these officers receive, their commissions they will have to pass an examination am! ui me legisla- receive a formal appointment from ho attempted to vote on the the governor. • —tion amendment while drunk .After Mr. Phillips was elected enp-would be put in jail, but that he did tain' he made a short talk advisin; not say that anv '... ......................... Elect Officers and Begin Drilling on Friday toll bridges.” 353 ARRESTS MADE eluding volunteers ln„ adn^^t ratio^aZ” o,id!yS i selective conscription. ' . n M the ] BRAZIL GETS 46 ' ' ^ L Z,TO*. .... BRAZIL GETS 46 GERHav aged the cost ---------- _____ww-'IAN SHIPS This is a little increase m the gen- Three hundred and fifty-three arrests were made by the city police during the past month, according to the report which has been filed in the office of Commissioner Pou, this be-b,jT the lowest total recorded in i.ime months. The total fines amount-i —«ti u d to $1,676.50, and collections 5748, i.!H?oml!lctiRg *“= ........ tll a total of $634.50 worked out. I “aSl0 w‘thln two days at the longest. Of the arrests there were MO white j will be'?! of!hrS°’ .^Fressky, ■u.'!1" general I and ■'"iTcost $253.50 to feed the prisoners during the month. Tliere were a total |r,f 2 692 meals served, which aver-d’the cost of 9 1-2 cents per meal. verage. _____ -.11111! Washington, April 16.—A find fleet;Clal r^RmTlNG'lS of 46 German merchant ships were VaVV Rl„nnrEEDlNG RAPIDLY interned in Brazilian ports, and tb. PROCEJ^ assumption is all have been seized by . . ton, April 1C;~Tno Brazil, according fo information i„ \Voshingt° Jinlits at the iate of hands of Washington officials. Pres, is cairunff 10 thousand daily. Offi- dispatebes from Rio Janeiro say the morc t'ian °atlv pleased oV/ok- apnear-seizure of ships was completed with- <■:” » ai'p gr. out incident. j rials alf!» «jial-acter received. Slice i;,?10 be,ng indicted, providing a true ,ls returned against the alleged murderer. ue will be tried at this special term it is promised, and for ,w ;ver7 reason is why the grand J 5 15 heinft authorized. "SPuties v,ere sent in all directions . esterday irith subpoenaes for men cars" of the county. Three "'ovked ■ the country and one m the city o • „ 0f the names drawn thnm tlle box were of men living in ™ most remote sections of the coun-ftra n? deputies v/iH reach at least Oi • of tHU|>ces of residence of ; ^“rernen al' 'about daylight this °°tghtVrunl ani\!jlt'mht:r whom lie tSPj^runk would; be put in jail. ^tiveJofihfs”fra!re; • -r> ¥e foi- L,! fl.uosition to r,uf-I St»jJwns 'f nien jf-s the action of 5.c cr"0' !r today when ^solution Lend^j” wiIim’s Mrs. V.’i I,?: a-a invitation to *ddrvss the b»-i ?Ik=s Brynn to vf «Vr«sentatSSla'^0 :n the hous® d«.v sentatives a n 0'C10CR Tues- , Mr. Stephens , . J house are able* memhora of the selves, and ho I ialrs CKre of them-taking Up tjm • a'y no necessity for to the transac*Jhlcl1 should be given hmwson, of tr n of business, rescue, sayin„ „ naPdo, came to the tomary to j5vllat,it has been cus- the men that the militia was no longer a social organization, but a mni-tary one in which strict discipline was the backbone had without which the company would be a failure. Messrs. Quina arid Shuttleworth also made short speeches, followum; their ele-tion, continuing the line of thought suggested by .Mr. Phillips. Physical examination of the men will be bejgun. this week and it is probable that several men Who are now enrolled will be dropped from the list and for that reason and also because a full complement of 108 men is desired, additional enrollments are wanted. Any young man desiring lo enlist in the local company of the national guard can do so by applying at the office in the Chamber of Commerce in the Brent building, or anyone of the officers will be glad to receive the application. A large majority of the men who aro now enrolled are “green” in military affairs and the process of making soldiers out of "rookies” is to begin immediately and the training will he hard for several weeks. The first drill will be held in the armory hall Friday night at 7:30, and any cn™~ ed man failing to attend will lay himself liable to the military code. ^3?n?eIIows^’ensacola Nio. 42 ano Escambia No. 15, F. & M.; Owls, Star of the Sea Assembly (Fishermen’s Society),, A. S. Edwards, principal, and school teachers and pupils, German-American Society, Greek Society, American Red Cross, Suffrage League, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knights of America, Ancient Order of Hibernians, St. Aloysius boys. Veteran Firemen’s Association and the Boy Scouts. Route of Parade. According to present plans, these organizations are to. form on South Palafox street, below Main, and move to Zarragossa, around the Plaza to Government, thence to Palafox and north to Wright, the Red Cross to join or lead the procession, starting at headquarters, that the ladjes may not be required, to walk the entire line of route. The procession will disband at the stand, which will be c-rectcd at the Garden street Intersection. An effort will be made to interest the school officials today, to dismiss the schools, at least until the afternoon hour, if possible, and have a3 large a number of school children in the line as possible. Everybody Called. As many organizations as possible aro urged to telephone their accr tance to the mayor early today that assignment of position ma made, and the starting point b cided upon definitely- It is espe'v urged that organized bodies be largely represented as possible, make Pensacola’s celebration of “Wake-Up America Day” one of the most historic of tho nature ever held here. D. A. R. AROUSED BY JUSSIRAND’S SPEECH Ple'toLjO invitbV1 aas 0ccn cus- is nn t'dress the ,a®tinguiahed peo-1 o’cock at rue Armory nan. Amen!”0,1',0 disti!, lofisI?-turc. “There I Jt is the Intention of a number “and fa*it,lan M-”8llsI’ed woman in ! women of Fensacola to organic f * why thoro i3 ' ■ Bryan,” said ho, ■'the perposo of defense; to form J know nf ?J,0ulcl n„7,reas0n <’clock £need in for the address 08 Tuesday '^° scnale to 8 to nrohn?-!1' WerJ * introduced m state and1' ^Poti-^,bil’’ ’’y. Jcnni.. relatives fcounty Sr’ aPP:y‘?F to all nmendniea? 'h° sin'43,13 and balJ'nff quirinn „ , to .Nn degree, and an 'ho constitution re-<^ntim^T~^- $u-*;fic>-.tions of the linings Elgie ICtlfM.) ed for any eventuality. All women in the city or vicinity are earnestly requested to be present, as this call is not directed s;m^ ply to the suffragists, but t0 ^ won.e'n interested in the Protection of the home. The following resolutions have been prepared for consideration a(. the meeting: Whereas, Conci'ess has deela5.e(i the United Sides of America to bR in a slate of war with the German mi.pt -e «/.d we, the women of necessity of preventing ...v — want contingent on a state of "'ar’ Whereas, We also realize tn,enec'j sity for protection against jnaFc^ t ’-nharmony and criminality contmg • thereon; Whereas, The women of munity feel an earnest desire °f service in preventing sues nnd protecting their loved ones- .' Resolved, That the women o‘ — eommunity band themselves wS* in order to use concerted mean v.ie prevention of such evils 8110 cr, they make ready, against ™e, feIiSe -------- " jry means of «« BT ASSOCIATED PHF.SS. Washington, April 16.—Daughters of the American Revolution, in twenty-sixth annual congress, today voted their unqualified indorsement of the American entrance into war against Germany, and of universal military service. Members also demanded an opportunity of actual service for war emergency. Great enthusiasm was aroused by a speech of Ambassador Jusserand, of France, who praised President Wilson, and said he expeev ed to see tho American flag in France. -ncy of war every mw'n- consistent with wisdom and W> ' Mi s. Rosa Barrow, Chain#"1’ Mies Gil-nude Friedman. Miss Vargerite Ingrahaa. WILSON URGES VETS. TO HOLD REUNION BV ASSOCIATED FKESS. Washington, April 16.—President Wilson, replying to a letter from u source net levea’.cd, toviay said he saw po reason why the reunion of Confederate veterans, set tor Wash-intrtdii the week bogiimim; Jane 4, should be postponed on account of tho inTeruntional situation. Elaborate plans have been made by citizens of Washington and Grand Army men to receive and welcome the Cotifsdor-