OVER THE TRAILS, OLD AND NEW JUNE - 20c Illustration of Concleccration Jeivel. Harral Ayres in Oval. THE. MOST, distinguished Royal Order of Spain, the order memorializing the golden age of Ferdinand and Isabella, was conferred on Harral Ayres, April 29, at a formal diplomatic reception participated in by Spanish, American, Mexican pnd Texas officials and over 100 distinguished guests. Don Pablo do pbarri, representing the Spanish King, presented the Condecoration of the Royal Order of Isabel la Catoli-ca in the name of His Majesty Al-phonso XIII. Don Ubarri was in his gold-brocaded uniform and chapeau. The official group surrounding Don vljbarri, consisting of State, county and city officials, civic club presidents, the commanding general of the 3th Corps Area of the army, and the Consul-Gerfcral jof Mexico, wc-c all in formal dress and diplomatic usuage prevailed. The distinc- tion conferred on Harral Ayres was in recognition of his 10 years’ leadership of the Old Spanish Trail development, today the most complete transcontinental highway in the United States, connecting St. Augustine and San Diego through the historic Swinish cities from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The ceremony was in the art salon of Mrs. Henry Drought’s home where all the surroundings wen in ing v/'t.h the d!nlomn*ie funot'e" Both Spanish end A m-vicari music were played, end the addresses wa-e read in Spanish and American, as et.i-ouette reouired. All guests stood during the ceremony. The Condecorat'on iewel is a double-sided cross and sunburst in the red and gold Spanish colors, two inches in diameter, suspended from a laurel leaf. On one side the name of the order and monogram. On the reverse side, the coat of arms and “La lealtad Acrisolada,” expressive of loyalty and merit. The title conferred is that of Knight Commander, the highest appointive title—the highest title, Knight of the Great Cross, comes through promotion from a lower title. The complimentary title is ilus*r:sinio, illustrious. So carefully are the hnno-s of the Order guarded, that this Cond'‘-n-aiinn cross must be returned tn th» Spanish crown in case of death or promotion to the higher title' Appointment to the Order is said to be rare in this country. Lower titles ar.d presentation by mail is said to have prevailed in other instances. Letters and telegrams paying tribute to the Old Spanish Trail leader were received from all over the United States. (turn to next page). ItXAf Pioneer