DISBURSEMENT SHEET NO. 18 ODD SPANISH TRAIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Prom Feb. 1 to Mar. 31, 1924. Following accounts ordered paid: Cheek Dr Cr Ernest A Pratt Receipt l/24 Drafts Jan. 30 & 31 acct Salary 1294(1) 40 00 Nat'l Hwys Assn Parcel post 300 maps 1295(1) 2 91 Petty Cash Misc. Expense W.Wk. 1296(1) 23 74 Fred M.Herndon Salary one week 1297(1) 15 00 Mrs Ida Brosch Sal. 12/1/23 to 12/15/23 1298(1) 50 00 Ernest A Pratt Acct Salary 1300(1) 25 00 Cash Office Expense Mailing N H A maps 1301(1) 5 00 H B Ayres Car Expense 1302(1) 50 00 Fred Herndon One week's salary 2/l/24 statement 1303(1) 15 00 S W Bell Telephone Co 1304(1) 7 50 Cash for stamps Office mail 1305(1) 5 00 H B Ayres 170 ms. W. Work Fredericksburg 1306(1) 17 00 Ernest Pratt A-cet Salary 1309(1) 10 00 Ernest A Pratt II !! 1307(1) 60 00 Ernest A Pratt «f IT 1308(1) 63 45 Cash Stamps & Campaign 1310(1) 35 00 Stanley Hale campaign Work 1311(1) 25 00 Robert E Hatch 17 If 1312(1) 75 00 Miss Stella Murray Tf If 1313(1) 21 00 Standard Prtg. Co. Acct to l/l/24 1314(1) 77 20 Stanley Hale Campaign Work 1315(1) 50 00 S W Bell Tele Co 3/1/24 statement 1316(1) 9 05 The Western Union 2/29/24 statement 1317(1) 15 08 Nat'l Ilwys Assn 300 maps $ postage 1318(1) 17 91 A F Beyer 3/l/24 statement 1319(1) 1 60 H B Ayres Acct 1320(1) 100 00 H B Ayres Acct 1321(1) 100 00 Cash Campaign Expense 1322(1) 40 00 Bash Stamps & Campaign Campaign Expense 1323(1) 20 00 Cash 1325(1) 33 00 Robt S. Hatch Campaign Work 1326(1) 10 00 Cash Stamps for Campaign 1327(1) 25 00 Miss Stella Murray Sal. 3/l0 to 3/22 1328(1) 42 00 H B Ayres 1329(1) 25 00 Mrs. Ida Brosch Bal.Dec. Sal acct Jan. Salary 1330(1) 100 00 Robt E Hatch Campaign Work 1351(1) 75 00 Stanley Hale ff Tf 1332(1) 75 00 Mrs. Vera Orem Salary in full 1333(1) 70 00 H B Ayres 1334(1) 100 00 Total Disbursements this statement 1531 44