•Itsaedlotely'-upor receipt of vour letter to Gel. Plctcher, Xv. which yoti advised o©Iy>£ careful- sibont i?rar.cla, 1 wont to the Southern Trust j 'jorri'-tcrcc^Hank, on a chance that he "had cached a check there, ar.fi foundt cor e it ions he stated above, yin.ee no word hail boon received iron -she kinoa back, and Sol, l-’ictch.cr also rocoivcd a letter from your President, " dehnston, eonfirning the anpointmon.t of Travels to represent pon, no action was taker by the bant. t'TJ October 4, five check from .’rancla was received by the out3.cn; Yruat 1 Oeranorcc tank mrkecl "rot sufficient ftindo." 1 iamodiatoly wired yen, resident to’irctor;, and the chaubors of covraercc referred to. fhis regrettable incident Is certainly aoal unfortunate, but I an confident ceno way will be foxmfi of straighten Irs it out and I know our hoard of Directors will always be anxious to wdrk with your Aoco-clatior. tc the boat interests of those you represent. ;:r« Thosipeon tells ne that Col. fletcher bus forwarded a letter to you which was written before the receipt ox your telegran today. Your attitude in this’ natter is appreciated, and I certainly hope the incident wl.ll scon bo closed. {Signed} dour. Icwrer.ee Fox Secretary. (Copy of enclosure with hr. Fox’s letter) Sap Diego, California, September 22, 1922 hr, dFrancis, ?,oprosorting the Old Spanish 2ro.il Association, Say. 3iogo, California Dear sir: i.3 roeuof.iteel by you, this letter is sent you as a confirmation of the action taken by the Board of Directors ox the Jan Diego Chamber of Commerce at its meeting held op Thursday, September 21, 1922, in regard to matters which you presented. Tt was agreed at this mooting that the Car Diego chamber of Commerce should contribute to the Old Spanish Trail Association the sum of .11300 00 of which 0250 00 is tc bo appropriated from a: special road fund raised " by subscription from various civic civic organisations, a nd the remaining C'250 00 to bo raised by a specially appointed committee of throe. Permission was granted for the Old* Spanish frail Association to establish a» office in tho rooms of t3xc dan Diego Chamber of Commerce without charge, and the bee rotary of the Jan Diego Chamber of Commerce vras directed to work v/lth this office when established, ar.fi to further their efforts to the best of hitr ability, lie was also instructed to prepare, v/lth your as. iatar.ee, the necessary copy for your forthcoming publication and to prepare the photographic display to be sent to the other cities on the Old Spanish Trail. 2k o Board of Directors requested that you keep them info mod thru the Chamber's committee or. publicity, tourists and conventions, of your aolivition and the success- thereof, to the end that they night bo able tr justify the investment- of the ecmunltjrds moneys in your Association. 2ho Board of Directors also desired to congratulate you and the