f >jA KITfG.U OT ,pj!TC 8 6T.-WGGOJiiio TOT. gje TO ’ '.00 .:jGT.TO-.’jr 0.p}7eX. £TI!« _p O 7;T.0^371 T„G I-P Z-'ttJ iiopsrpjk %% Q™hT*T«T^: W.P STATIC 'i.1 POOV-renp ~M ""‘,c' V° JbeiiTOHjT. -\c o r''''’-' rT*B8 ^TfXnyei, X.S8 bOUajpTT T.n-'. SarCCf8 grig CovJ£,r 'j® a^PCT.eg JJJJe fTO-AO^T J ...,.* "'„:1’b gij'e ive J x-p ya ^04: gjgsjt, jjo. , Vi.-jg ,,J5.JJ _,r-e •;; _J8 r,]/©Ji© rs SJJSO 0 i>7,TI!^ r.u2 O °0££ • !.T * nor * 8e°-P ~ --fO V^iGJjggg' grjjg po 'Irrg.orr-" P J?9U ™' 0\,e;-©x. .eye .oro.ost. xi.sact rx-rorus.? row g’rg »oc oojjpo?^^^8 o:" ^°i:fc'7'c sTASW P'f -PH© Leoiije* vp jarjj nx,opep - 9, ; VM- ; MEE.e ^®J TOomwptod TW^eugeg* iron s^^nrg po nesrjjh ersPx. PF© sooprou ws-ru era irpA^og' si/g ^xamipa .ot.t:rjjeq noov-on •■• °"''aS3Ursshprou* HpneoAsn* ppsr.p fioo^xe^ jura Efl^v n^-i8f UOT® " PF© Lx,pup ex,---------------rr j^g ,oo pe oovgowueeva * n-r^ni;. ;-ra* ..£5fc^?3" * '•■ sekpempex. »» t&jox.vb ;;;-:. )'ice j?j.o:3I3Bu tod ^rvujpxo.■—x -is'irrs-u--a-^rJBS'erf^'^j'e’dft&'CiTo rU-LU”, CftSf~ booklets printed in connection with this work; these are so crude and ignorant, responsibility for this crudity is evaded. It is not clear how much of this service Shreve was to perform. Shreve has" been overpaid his 75> commissions and disclaims ary further responsibility. The booklet, as. printed, contains none of the travel information intended, nor anything--to really hustify the thousands of. dollars given by the. people. ..his travel information was to have' been'ready for the summer tourist movement. ] Shreve was expected to mark the GST where needed. Host ox the markins in Texas had previously been dene. ..here inspected, Shreve's marking is not according to specifications, and (like the booklet) is so careless it is a reproach to the organization. It will cost more to correct this marking than if no marking had been done by him. -A klIa.T IS THE TOTAL OF MJKDS COLLECTED FROM THE PEOPLE WITH THE PROMISE OF SERVICE TO BE RENDERED, WITH THE SERVICE STILL UEREHDERED? AID HEAT HONEY IS IN THE TREASURY OR AT COHIaITD TO PERFORM THIS SERVICE? A. The San Antonio office has had, since January 1, 1922, over $8500 00 On September 8, 1922 the bank balance was ;)17 84 It will require R4000 00 to r;5000 00 to pay existing neglected accounts, to re-check, prepare, print and issue properly the section maps with the travel information promised, to correct improper marking, and to carry the office until some means are found to obtain new funds for this liability. ,0 t. . WHY DID TEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF EL ' PASO REFUSE TO SUPPORT OR INDORSE THE 03T FOR FUNDS? A. A so-called budget was submitted El Paso which was justly condemned. That "budget'1 was improper, unauthorized and not worthy the approval of thinking men. u ’ Ah • / / Sorament--The conduct of tk-e -o-ff-ice; and the service of the organisation- have degenerated into a happy-go-lucky state. Established policies, -orotective method's, adopted standards,) etc., have been ignored. Members have not been protected*by the service sought to be extended; on the contrary members of long standing, and loyal communities, have been dis- ■ criminated against, and the spirit that builds loyalty in organizations has been cast aside that men might put extra dollars in their pockets.