lOBILE LINERS. WOV. ID, 101 iJ, vttention* ;.!re». Phillips, Asst. toot. Mil aish '.iv.il .’>.38005 aVion, i/llahr sseo, i’la.. Pear* Lrs. Phillips; Your loiter of the 7th. received, cad i an very sorry j hu.ro hoi had ;;;■ ..; opportunity to answer gasw sooner, ov.lap vc illneaa ," atenoyrcyphors .. in! could not v/riwasclf '. • o ."■sc " •:> auh. other ■ r hr. !•„ 11 and . ,r. 01 .'aono ...u'v-: wont :io copies-. oh ihair letter;: !:o you in conneotiow. with Ch:' qu£x> vonvontior., and I cert .ini:- hope that-. Ojypt&ia John Ora .ft I.Ill . .'.gr 1 . - ft yd, X -.vest heartily concur in hr. Pi Huns’ approval oh your wire ah October loth to the ^resident of tUc hight/nys Industrie:; hsnooi at." era I an glau to rote that you erooc-t to got out a log fro.r Chicago to 2ullak-.«?oe© and. viestr/ard to ho bile soon. Let no have copy :>:■'' corn when you. get it out. Letter Loads, I pent a supply of to you as requested. 'Mon you no oil more, let -io. know. 1 did not send you any envelopes, as you did not ;ts.c. for saao. Larry Locho vjaitos frou LosAug^os, Ilov.Ot-h that last suonor he went over to Hew Orleans where ho ear/ hr. .oaoion Lyons. 7 dfidnaditsco why ho did not lot us leno.w he' was going to be that near. Yours truly