HOTELS—BICE leads, 1,000 mis., well Hired. ^AM. HOUSTON, new, popular, moderate rates. WARWICK, apartment and transient, quiet, refined, near Rice Histi-tutc. BEN MILAM, new, complete, moderate prices. PLAZA, apartment and transient, quiet, attractive, near Rice Institute. LAMAR, new, in business center, a distinc- **'CAMPS—LIBERTY ROAD CAMP, on OST cast, cabins and efficiency apmts., fully equipped, $1.25. Camp space 50c OST CAMP, end of S. Main St., blk. from OST. Cabins, fully equipped, $1.00-$ 1.25. Camp space 25c. CAMP DIXIE, 0722 Harrisburg Bird. Large colony of cabins. Community house, showers, laundry and sitting room. Sl.00-S3.00. Camp space 50c. SAN JACINTO CAMP, 6. L. Miller, P. O. Box 111, Houston. New camp, well equipped, numerous cabins. S2.00. Camp space 25c. East end of Houston on road to bay shore and gulf. INF.—Motor League of South Texas (AAA) and also Chamber of Commerce. SUGAR LAND. This entire community is owned and maintained by the Imperial Sugar Company and allied interests: it is an interesting study of community development. Over 1,500,000 pounds of IMPERIAL SUGAR refined daily. IMPERIAL INN—Open all hours; rms. with and without bath; dining room. IMPERIAL RESTAURANT and also IMPERIAL COFFEE SHOP. IMPERIAL GARAGE—Service Sta., garage, all-around service; tow car, Ph. 39, 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. BRAZOS RIVER. Note height of bridge above normal water. All OST bridges contend with high floods. ^RICHMOND. The first Anglo-American settlement in Texas. Other early settlements were Spanisli or Mexican. Center of a rich farming country. NATIONAL HOTEL, partly modern. INF.—Chamber of Commerce. EDGEWOOD CAMP—On OST cast. 10 cabins, well equipped. Community house with showers and laundry. $1.00. Camp space 50c. Nice location. ROSENBERG. Cotton and corn. PLAZA, a country hotel, good meals. Free camp, east side, shady. Jurica's OST Garage has good mechanics. Calloway Motor Co., Ford dealer, good all-around service. NOTE—The Rosenberg—East Bernard sector, about 10 mils being paved, to be completed summer 1020. A gravel and paved detour adding S iui., northward by Wallis, is provided. SAN BERNARD RIVER. EAST BERNARD. Rice, cattle and cotton. See dirt road memo, under Rosenberg. Inf. Highway Garage. *EAGLE LAKE. About 40,000 A. of rice lands in this district. 40% developed. Water from Colorado River and from wells 27 to 40 ft. which flood 35 to 50 A. HOTELS — DALLAS, running water, steam heat. WHITE HOUSE, popular restaurant attached. DRUM’ MERS HOTEL also. Free camp on OST east. Numerous service stations and garages. COLORADO RIVER at Columbus. :,:COLUMBUS. Numerous fine old live oaks about the town. Under the oak near the Court House the first district court of the Republic of Texas was held. Columbus was in the path of Santa Ana during the Texas revolution and was burned by Gen. Sam Houston. HOTEL LIVE OAK and several lodging houses. Auto camp five blocks off OST with shade and conveniences: and several cabins. Camp 2 mi. east on OST under construction. THE ALAMO, SAN ANTONIO Mission San Antonio de Vnlcro now known ns the Alamo. Transferred from the Itio Grande in 1718 it is recognized as tho beg inning of San Antonio. The corner stono of this building was laid May 8, 17-M. In 17G2 a report stated the tower and sacristy had fallen and a quarried stone church of harmonious architecture was being built.*' It was occupied by the Texas patriots in defense of San Antonio and for the Independence of Texas against Santa Ana and the Mexican army. The Alamo fell March G, 1836. All tho patriots were killed. The defense of the Alamo is one of the epic stories of the ages. MISSION SAN JOSE, SAN ANTONIO Mission San Jose y de San Miguel Aguayo, founded 1720. This building was begun apparently in 17G8.* A record of 1778 says “it was the finest mission in all New Spain.” This church approached the majesty of a cathedral; its village hud the strength of a castle. Its architectural and sculptural detail is the joy of artists and etchers and the wonder of all travelers. •Many careless statements are given out eoneernln struction of tlie missions. The founding of a m beginning of the present church building, and when are very different and often obscure dates. g the con-ilssion, the completed,