2 Published in the interest of THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL missioncr, was with the caravan first day but on account car trouble was delayed three days and returned to San Antonio. Houston and Galveston in asking for the 1923 convention of the OST presented through Harry F. Cohen, .letters from Mayor Oscar F. Holcombe, the Chamber of Commerce and motor leagues of Houston and Galveston. The invitation was accepted and dates will be announced later. The convention at Houston and Galveston will probably be held in July and it has already been proposed to start a motor camping caravan at El Paso driving through to the convention, similar to the caravan from Orange and Houston to the convention just closed in the Davis mountains. The usual convention resolutions were passed thanking the citizens of the towns and counties through which the caravan passed, the people of the Davis mountains and every town along the route commencing with Park Heaton 21 miles out from San Antonio for their splendid hospitality and the press for their hearty cooperation in making the convention the great success it was. These resolutions were read by Judge William Pierson of the Texas Supreme court, and were roundly applauded War Department- Recognizes OST Recognition of the OST highway as an important link in the National system of defense highways by the War' Department is lending further enthusiasm in the work toward the early completion of the entire highway and construction work will now' be pushed as never before. Trail Blazers D. E. Colp of the OST and L. F. Birdsong of the Franklin motor agency, San Antonio, were always in the lead with their cars, blazing the way where mud w'as thick or thin, wdicre the sccnary was prettiest, or where the cats were thickest, always ready to serve any member of the party with a trip to the highest hill in their cars pulling them out of a bad hole, or taking them sightseeing. A Well Equipped Camp The best equipped camp for motorists, perhaps in the world, is to be found on a corner of the public square at Ozona where J. J. North, an enterprising garageman of that city has purchased lots and single-handed has erected an oblong building with a large screened sleeping porch occupying the central portion with dressing rooms, show’er bath, toilets, mirrors and electric light, at each end of the building; one for ladies and the other for men. Plenty of parking space for autos and room for tents have been provided and it is all open and free to all. It is not even necessary for the motorist to ask permission nor to even purchase gas and oil from Ozona’s garage, of which Mr. North is manager and part owner. Meeting of Texas Highway Association A statewide meeting of the Texas Highway Association has been called to meet at Galveston on August 4th and 5th. A legislative committee of the association is now- studying the statutes and the constitution of Texas and will report to the meeting on a legislative program for submission to the next Legislature. This is our association. Let’s go to the Galveston Convention and help. Mapping and Logging Progressing Mr. D. M. Shrcve, Manager of the Mapping and Marking Department of the cOld Spanish Trail Association has completed the mapping and logging of the OST from San Antonio to El Paso and is now' having printed a strip map and log book of this division of the OST He is now' marking the IIouston-Brownsville Division of the OST. The strip map and log book of the Orange-Houston-San Antonio Division will soon he ready for distribution and will be mailed out during the latter part of July. MEMBERSHIP MANAGER BUSY Mr. R. B. Thompson, Manager of the Membership Department of the Old Spanish Trail Association, has been visiting the local units between San Antonio and El Paso in the interest of the membership of the association. His reports have been very favorable and indicate an awakening interest in the importance of the OST as a National Highway. A Most Hospitable People It is not possible to express the appreciation of the members of the OST caravan for the many thoughtful attentions and splendid entertainment show'ered upon them by the good people of the sections through which they passed. To do that w'ould require ten times the space allotted to this bulletin. Every member of the party, including Judge Pierson made an unqualified statement of their intention of returning over the OST to the Davis mountains for another and longer visit so they could personally thank each one who contributed to the pleasures and success of the meeting. A Good Irishman Overcoming almost insurmountable obstacles in roads and with car trouble between Houston and San Antonio Harry F. Cohen, president of the Motor League of South Texas, together with Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. F. M. Walker caught up with the party at the end of the second day’s drive out of San Antonio. They were enthusiastic over the wonders of the West and stayed over for a vacation outing in the mountains around Fort Davis and Balmorhca to further enjoy the beauties and grandeur of that section. Publicity Every newspaper along the line of the OST, and some who w'ere not so fortunately situated were liberal with their space and high in their praise of the convention and the motor caravan idea and great credit is due them for the splendid manner in w’hich they handled the publicity. The San Antonio Express and the Houston Chronicle each sent a special staff writer on the trip to report the convention and gather special pictures and material for feature stories in their Sunday editions. Publication of these special illustrated features began Sunday JuK 9 and with others will be run at intervals until tlv whole sections through w'hich these papers circulate will be appraised of the w-onderful beauties and the splendid hospitality to be enjoyed by motorists over the OST into the mountains of West Texas. Vice President and Counsellor Enthusiastic Vice President J. C. Baumgartcn of Schulenburg presided at two meetings of the convention and was very enthusiastic over the rapid completion of the entire OST as was also II. Brasher of Weimar, local counsellor; both expressing themselves on the great advantages of the early completion and the pleasures and benefits to be derived by motorists in their use of this all-southern highway. Be sure and read Judge McCrory’s article in this issue. Next issue will have the speeches of others speakers on our recent Caravan Convention trip to Davis Mountains. Seven autos of our party went over to Alpine last Sunday from the Convention to witness the greatest Rodeo and Street parade ever pulled off in west Texa*____ it being the annual reunion of the old settlers and cowboy round up. We would suggest that the girls be added and call it Old Settlers Reunion and Cowboys and Girls Round Up, because the girls “skinned” the boys too bad to talk about riding the cow ponies. HIGHWAY PROBLEMS IN TEXAS By W. W. McCrory, Member Texas State Highway Commission, San Antonio, Texas "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: “It is meet and proper that this body of forward looking citizens of Texas, and some of our sister States, should leave their homes and private business to meet here to counsel together and consider the two biggest problems that confront the people of this truly imperial State—the Problems of Education and the Problems of Good Roads. “A few years ago when our educators and the Department of Education started a campaign for better schools, and belter schoolhouses, they propagandized this State