•’> i'horo la 2: . way to stop those pronators osoeyt to org-"iiise Louisiana for tho OS')? rM ”11 ita work. Louisi-sia should bo narked, fl»’l section nays Gotten out raid distributed, «wt© 0cap:; established, Ai • tourist loop”’ studied out end marked. .Vice Louisiana pooplo Got ’t-'irtod with this work thoy would o&toh the onthusiasa 0.3 other states a: vo, Another thing, our annual convention should bo hold tho last of '.'ovoufcor, ib-v that, tho Congressional, tho 1/ Bopartraont, o?id tfoa- other'v^ahinstoa declarations h vs boon obtained, there are inportant constructive quo at ion.; v;o should legislate on at this convention. il-lo Gh~rlo3 or l!ov? Orleans v/cui ,1. bo ge-:sd places to hold it, ~A sjid: the v;ho1© state aroused to kelp . •• ;cc it a auoooao. fo Gathering aonbors and doXecatoa to a convention iron over A ere alios of highway torrifory is a hi;; task. They won't coao oncost, there bo long imd, careful .v3©. : a...t • la-log thoe. If v;o haven't xi vosraoorito.tivo ooavontion it in not v;onth uuch;. 'nd its decisions will have little for<30. ? ? Soaothing of the lay rVsioo ao -.djouiX yy;. to this convention bo jivigod by A•.) ;g. i:., I '.dint to.roe threshed. out:- a-, "o Rood !;•- . •'.'. o... con-/no-'.:lion so ..• to provide a,.strong, busino3s.~Xiho i-y., i free f; notAoqlag nrtional "nluiniatr./aion. As s-o o-jid oo.idlti-ons f.va.go -o n•'•.;• i to re-adju;;.t ourselves. In local organs.sahton ■ at..' ,.ntv!. .five As ago:, arc conigratlvoly o sy. 3 -til order!/ :kln.n:i.,tr-.tion :l: aiffioult where directors live over such o:;tond-..;d . >r:•'. • • " a have '.any good directors non. re ra?.:.n. strength>n .lei'’ ■)■ ■.:,■■;’. and find a v-ay f v it to function satis fact riiy on nations: question;.!; sokL on. state •..uostlons to work li'nv. it,a atato oiits for . acv-.-t u.ti vise notion JShoa&Bin in tho states, . / d bo 2iood :.. oe-aot;'. tutionclly ;on laaoto i Advisory lOoord in the hoad;.u;v-to-’o. ;. /••• .r 3 th- 1 lo'dlo, office v:ili alv/ys have a local board to ".tcody ::.!.. 1 sustain it ia any o.vorgoncy, This advisory boar:', to 3o~oj5din do itu the ho,and of .directors by siail vote, :>!! by ror-o.rt . .td rocoaiohlat..ovi at board .-.ibcwings.* A-ruir’. Vo- .xondoTiCO of or!£, ' tf? This- is big contract. v/o aood every ^?ou? ^oS^our™til-io, end our bast brnhas and hosrt~~tna